Dear Deer, A lesson in Alliteration

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It was significantly later after they emerged from Brett's den. The faun happily reheated the soup and planned to spoon feed the exhausted deer. When they started the jar was three-quarters full, now only a small amount was inside. They both really liked the bed.

Eddy pouted a bit because he was mildly sore but he also really liked soup. So soup always made it better, "Hungy."

He whined but then smiled softly at Brett.

"Yes, dear deer, I know, I know. The soup is getting there. Don't worry. I will feed you plenty for your outstanding willingness." The faun chuckled and pressed a kiss on Eddy's forehead, knowing that direct kisses were forbidden outside. He also heated some water for a tea he picked last time he was at the garden. He hoped it would sooth Eddy's throat after the deer complained about having a sore throat after their love making. No wonder with all the cries and moans that came from him.

Eddy smiled when he got kisses! He loved kisses more than anything in the world! Well besides Brett. He also loved Brett very much, maybe even more than kisses, "I like food, I like food that you feed me and make me. Makes me feel special."

"You are something special. You very much are." Brett kissed Eddy again before turning his head back to the soup, checking on it. He sadly had to let go to stir it and fill the second bowl with the water to add the herbs for a tea. They didn't have glasses or mugs but they could share everything anyway. They did far more questionable stuff together than sharing a simple cup.

"Oh, by the way, how did you like it when I bit your butt?" Brett made sure he was careful but one could never know. Eddy from that time loved it but what thought 'awake' Eddy about it?

"I liked it, it felt funny but I loved it. Even though my butt jiggled a bit when you bit it. Do you think it will leave any marks on me?" Eddy was curious, he didn't think it would though because of his fur. He was too fuzzy down there to show anything. He watched Brett, wondering how the tea would taste. He liked tea but only to an extent. It was either good or not. Hopefully Brett's tea would be good.

"Hmmm.. I didn't see any marks. I don't even leave bite marks or bruises on your neck since I know you might get in trouble. So I was careful. But I can check if you want." Brett put down the second bowl with the tea and rounded Eddy. He 'looked' with his hands and eyes but saw nothing.

"Nope, I don't see any marks. Should I check again?" Meaning: he wanted to molest Eddy some more.

"You can check if you wanna, I am glad that you made sure not to leave any marks. I don't like getting in trouble especially when trying to get my family's affections." Eddy sighed mostly to himself, he really wanted them to accept him. He didn't know how to be accepted though. He really wanted it, so much. If only he could have it, it seemed so impossible though.

It seemed that Brett's 'inspection' needed to be more thorough. So the faun went on his knees and rubbed his cheek against the fluffy butt. He wiped Eddy down after they finished so nothing was slimy or Eddy leaked. Nothing was amiss from an outsider's perspective. He stroked the wagging tail and got up again.

"Nope, still don't see anything. Except a really well defined butt, begging to be ravished."

The faun circled the deer again and took his hands in his. The sad glimmer in the eyes made his playfulness vanish instantly. He sat down in front of Eddy, gently caressing the cheeks, "Do you want to talk about what makes you sad?"

"I just started to think of my family, I just really want their affection. I never get it though, it feels like I never will. I still hope though, I continue to hope," It scared Eddy that he may never get what he oh so desired. Why he couldn't manage to be accepted, he didn't know. It was unbelievably frustrating to him!

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