Chap 5: New isn't Much different from Old

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Eddy had a bit to walk when it came to actually getting the food. It would take him a while. He always went to his herd to grab a bite, that was really when he spent the most time with his kind and his folks. He was more often in the garden or adventuring elsewhere in the realm. Or sleeping, he also really liked his sleep. With all those factors combined it made lunch the best time to be with the herd. It was important to keep his relationship up with them as it was to make new relationships. There was always a perfect balance to everything, and he had to keep the one he had.

In the meantime, Brett took the last empty basket and filled it. He would look for more empty ones when he brought it back. It was now the seventh tree he was clearing and there were still a lot of it. Maybe he should seek Belle out to ask her if he could make wine out of it? Or did they need all the fruits?

He didn't know what to do and the storage was pretty full as well, seeing that all the good harvest months were behind them. And he could make wonderful honey mead and peach wine. Or nice strong pear schnapps. He contemplated his choices as he filled the basket and brought it back to the storage. Then he looked around for either more empty baskets or kegs or anything like that. Maybe he could make a weaved basket? But that would be redundant. They already had a lot and he had no clue how to make one.

The sound of a soft gallop could be heard. A four legged animal or half animal was coming by. Eddy wasn't in the garden so it left Belle. She was probably coming to check up on the process of everything, and to see if Eddy was already off. She didn't often join him for lunches after all.

Brett's ears picked up the sound and he got out of the shed. Maybe it was someone else, who knew? He didn't want to give off the feeling the plants were left alone for the time being.

He closed the shed door as he saw Belle galloping towards him. He smiled and waved a bit. Was she taking a break as well?

"Did my brother go to lunch already?" She knew that he did but she was surprised he didn't take Brett with him. The faun had been following Eddy around like a puppy since yesterday.

"Hello Miss Belle and yes he did. He left a couple of minutes ago. If you run, you can catch up with him maybe. I think he would like that."

Brett smiled brightly at the taller deer woman. If he was honest with himself, he was a bit intimidated by her after what happened in the morning. He took his hands and rubbed the thumb.

"He goes to the herd for lunch, so I don't join him," Belle wasn't like her brother, she didn't try to keep that balance between family relationships or new relationships. She chose to be around the creatures she liked and in the places she liked. Her path was her own, and she would stay on it, "I'm just surprised you didn't go with him."

And a bit surprised that Eddy let a complete stranger be on his own in the garden.

"Well, I wanted to pick some more fruits to help you out for the generosity bestowed upon me and I told him to go without me. I didn't do anything he didn't supervise before. I was just picking the fruits I could get to. On that note, you don't have any empty baskets. I filled them. Do you need more fruits? I can also make schnapps and wine out of them if you want."

Brett's ear flickered towards Belle, in hope to appease the woman in front of him. He wanted to be forgiven for the faux pas he committed in the morning and working above and beyond was a good way. It was also the only way he knew how to do it.

"I do not mind if you make either, we will need more storage anyways so you can look at the fruit you've picked or from older harvests to work with. Most of it goes towards feeding people so as long as it's used and given back to the community, I do not mind." Belle wasn't a stickler when it came to the fruit, but when it came to her flowers she was. She would probably beat someone if they dared do anything to them.

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