Communication is Key to wants

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Brett yawned as he got up from his nap and stretched his tiny body. Belle was still around him so he smiled. Thankfully she didn't run away. It was good like this. He would definitely need to ask her if he was welcomed in her den as well.

"Belle?" he whispered.

"Hmmm?" Belle hummed softly in reply, but her eyes stayed closed. She was just enjoying her life and the sun. The faun grinned and went back down to cuddle with her. He only took her hands and rubbed his cheeks against her, "Don't mind me," he whispered.

"Mm'kay," Belle would not mind him, she was too relaxed to be bothered by anything. Unless someone outright attacked which she doubted. And they were surely not attacked, not in the calm realm. And with the sun shining on their belly and only the leaves rustling it was perfect.

Brett was looking at Belle's face. She had a very symmetrical face. Very beautiful. No wonder Ray liked her so much he overlooked her race. It was really cute.

Belle sensed him staring, but was chill. It was only mildly creepy but far from harmful. She was just enjoying life. And with her, Brett was doing the same. He giggled as a thought crossed his mind.

"May I kiss you on the cheek?", he whispered again.

"You may," Belle opened her eyes, it was a common greeting so she didn't think too much of it. It was a sweet gesture but not an intimate one.

And because it was not an intimate one, Brett chose to ask for it. He giggled and leant forward to kiss Belle on her cheek.

"I knew it! Your skin is as soft as your fur!" Brett didn't wander around, kissing everyone. He was curious if the skin on the cheek was as soft as the rest of Belle and indeed, it was. He needed to douse Eddy with that!

Belle chuckled softly, "I try to take care of my skin, along with my fur," Belle laughed softly as she looked at Brett. He was funny.

"And I would say, you do a fantastic job of that. It's really smooth and soft. I envy you." And obviously Brett gently took Bell's head in his hand and rubbed over the cheeks to feel it, "So pretty and soft no wonder Ray likes you so much. Do you love him?"

"You will be all soft too if you take care of yourself," Belle hummed, her thoughts drifting off to Ray. The lovable mountain lion of hers, "I do love him. Ray is very dear to me."

Yepp, it was good he didn't meet Belle first. He would be utterly crushed otherwise. But this was perfect the way it was. So Brett smiled and kissed her on the cheek again, "I want to be strong for Eddy. Someone to lean on, not take care. Well, I don't mind that either, but I was to be someone he can look up to - even though I know I am tiny."

"I think you will be able to be someone for him to lean on, and it will become more apparent when you are more comfortable with yourself," Belle watched the faun with a little smile.

"I do hope so, Belle. I really do. I don't want to drag him down, but to elevate him to new heights. He deserves happiness. And if I am not the one who can give him that, then I will accept it and let him go free," the last part Brett whispered. It would hurt a lot but Eddy's happiness was his main goal. Nothing else.

"Brett, you aren't in charge of anyone's happiness but your own. As he is responsible for his too. You can do things to help or give someone a brief moment of solace. But it still isn't your responsibility. So don't stress yourself by trying to control frivolous things. Just be there for him. Someone to have standby you does amazing things," Belle watched Brett, sometimes people just needed someone to be by their side, not to fix everything.

"I know. I just meant... Basically I want to be at his side for as long as he wants me," Brett looked to the side, not wanting to meet Belle's inquisitive gaze, "If me leaving or me staying will bring him happiness I will do my best. And that is all. I wouldn't be here if it was not for him. I am indebted to him. As well as Ray. But I can't think of doing anything for Ray. So I will help you and hopefully lighten your burden so you have more time for Ray and that would make him happy. Or so I think. I don't want to die with my debt not being paid off."

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