Homemaker, Home is with you

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The next morning came quicker than both of them anticipated and Brett was awake as soon as the sun started to dawn. He lifted his head off Eddy and yawned. The deer was still sleeping and if it was like yesterday, he definitely would sleep a considerable amount of time longer so Brett had now the sleeping deer all to himself.

He got up and took the soft brush and the comb. He said he would groom Eddy in the morning and he did. The faun was very careful to not wake Eddy when he combed through. After that he took a very super soft brush to give the deer coat a shining finish. It didn't take long at all and Brett was satisfied with the results. He looked at Eddy's mob of hair. If he would touch it, he would probably wake the deer up and he didn't want that. Instead he would find food for breakfast.

So he put the things away and silently left the den. The sun was not fully risen on the horizon so Brett made a mad dash to the garden and orchard. He would get Eddy fruits he knew he was allowed to take. With a full basket of freshly plucked and washed fruits, he made his way back. Hopefully Eddy was still asleep when he came back. Without any trouble he slowly got inside the den and smiled at the still sleeping deer. He had gotten a bowl of fresh water to drink from as well so all that Eddy had to do was waking up. The den was small but Brett found a place to lay the fruits on and stored the bowl in one of the integrated shelves so Eddy wouldn't knock it accidentally over. With that task done, the faun crawled back to hug the warm body and maybe doze off a little bit more. They still had plenty of time until they needed to be at the garden anyway.

Eddy searched for his teddy bear when he felt that Brett had moved. The deer searched in his sleep until he found the faun. Then he pulled the elder to himself, it was cuddle time until he woke up.

Brett happily obliged his gracious host and cuddled with him. He was not sure why Eddy wasn't waking up when he brushed him but oh well. This was perfectly good as well. He petted Eddy and placed little kisses on the deer. He had seen the mistress do it with her husband so he might give it a shot. He had no idea that this was something between a couple or may be inappropriate.He kissed Eddy's cheeks and temple, leaning over the deer to do so. His hands stroked the human back now and he kissed the tip of the black nose.

Eddy's nose scrunched up at the feeling of Brett's lips on his nose. Not out of disgust but from not being used to touch on his nose. It was also hard to decipher the feeling of lips on skin.

Brett was not sure if Eddy liked it or not but the scrunched up nose was cute. Did friends kiss each other? Brett had no clue. The sheep and goats were animals and couldn't help him with that and back then Brett didn't ask the master or the mistress about it. But he knew that kissing was good between family - he read that - and between 'couples'. Whatever that was. So he petted the round cheek and kissed Eddy on the forehead. He moved his kisses all over the face until he kissed Eddy gently on the lips. He knew that was not a normal kiss. That was something else but he still did it. He wanted to do it since he laid eyes on Eddy and so far the deer didn't rebuff him. So it was probably fine.

Eddy's lips parted slightly, his ears twitched ever so slightly too. This was another thing that Eddy's brain couldn't decipher. It wasn't like he kissed a lot of people. Maybe occasionally but not often. The texture of Brett's lips was also weird.

Brett backed up a little bit, watching Eddy's reaction. But the centaur happily slept on. Should he? He definitely should not. So he pressed their lips together one more time, vowing to himself that this would be the last time he did that while Eddy couldn't consent.

The kiss was sweet and innocent, only lips on lips but it still was so very wrong. They were not a couple and Eddy couldn't say no. So after that kiss Brett kissed the forehead again. But he wanted, he really really wanted to kiss Eddy properly.

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