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Jennie POV

Is this for real? Is Lisa really like this? Sweet, funny, interesting, sexy... in twenty-four hours the idea I had of her has taken a 180-degree turn. In addition to her appearance. She makes me feel like a teenager, I would spend the whole day tangled up with her talking about anything, making love like animals. The more I know about her the more I want to know. At this point of the day I want it all.

'And she was there all the time.'

Now I have to focus, even if we had the day off today, we have work tonight. I also liked that turn in my life, the moment when my job is to go to a concert with a beautiful girl I'm getting to know.

When she opens the door to her room she's smiling. She looks stunning, she's wearing one of the new dresses we bought yesterday and it fits like it was designed for her.



She kisses me, suddenly, out of the blue, because she feels like it. The way she kisses me makes me melt.

JENNIE: Lisa... we have work to do...

LISA: How awful it sounds, work... when you really mean: Magnum concert.

She starts prancing down the corridor and I laugh with her. We leave the hotel and when we get to the concert, Jungkook is waiting for us at one of the side doors with Tae.

JUNGKOOK: You know we could have picked you up?

JENNIE: No need, the taxi was right in front of the hotel.

JUNGKOOK: Next time let us know, it won't be a problem.

TAE: The concert will start in an hour, follow us.

We went backstage and were introduced to the members of the team. The sound guys, the manager and finally the girls. Although Lisa had been staring at them since we entered and had ignored everyone else.

They are four girls, very pretty each in their own way, they seem nervous and excited, something similar to what I've been feeling all day, but in a version: I'm going to debut with a musical group that aspires to be a success. Soyeon, Wendy, Somi and Minnie. Lisa talks to them directly.

LISA: I love what you guys do.

WENDY: Thank you very much.

SOMI: Are you the ones who did the energy drink campaign with Jisoo, the streamer?

Lisa freezes.

LISA: You know Jisoo?

SOYEON: Yes, we're huge fans.

SOMI: When we were training we saw her every day.

LISA: I live with her.

The Magnums look at her in surprise.

SOMI: Really?

LISA: Yeah. I've known her since she was a little girl. I saved her from bullies who wanted to steal her food at school. Food is sacred to Jisoo. I went up to them and said, "Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I wasn't her size, I was a bit smaller because I hadn't grown up yet, but because I was a foreigner I scared them, so they left her alone. We've been best friends ever since.

Lisa tells the story proudly and I find it hilarious. The Magnums look at her with curiosity and some admiration. She's good with people, she's a sociable girl.

Jungkook approaches me and I leave Lisa with the girls.

JUNGKOOK: Let's see what you think of their live performance, they've rehearsed a lot.

JENNIE: I really liked the single. I see potential in them.

JUNGKOOK: Do you already have any ideas in mind about the campaign?

JENNIE: I do, I'll let you know.

I don't really have a clue yet, but I'd rather he thinks I do, I haven't been too focused on work these days for obvious reasons, but I should start getting my act together.

JUNGKOOK: Well, don't worry, I told you that we're not going to start working properly until next month. I keep insisting that you could take a holiday.

JENNIE: Hmmm... I'll think about it.

I really need them, a break, a few days without an office, without getting up early... with Lisa. We could go somewhere together, or do something. She's always crying that she wants to go to a spa, maybe it would be good. I look over at her, she's on a video call with Jisoo, to which the Magnums are talking admiringly and laughing at her silliness.

'She does love Jisoo...'

Right now I love that protective, good friend side of Lisa. Funny where life takes you, because that's what made me hate her at first.

Soon the girls have to leave because the concert is about to start. Lisa comes up to me with Jisoo still on screen.

JENNIE: Hi, Jisoo. I hope you're taking good care of my friend.

JISOO: Hi, I've got her like a queen, we're going dancing tonight.

LISA: And are you going to dance or are you going to sew yourself to the sofa?

We laugh.

JISOO: Idiot, shut up. I'm going dancing, I've been practising at home.

JENNIE: Thank goodness...

JISOO: How are you enjoying yourselves in New York?

I turn a little red, but Lisa answers as if it's nothing.

LISA: Great, we've been shopping, and in Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty, we've had pizza, hamburger...

Jungkook approaches us and shows us how to get to the VIP area where we can watch the concert. The area in question is a series of boxes next to each other with a capacity for about 10 people each, Lisa and I will be in one of the ones with the best angle with some other YG workers. We say goodbye to Jisoo who asks us to take lots of photos of the concert.

LISA: Did you hear what they said? They're Jisoo fans and they're super nice. They don't look like music stars.

JENNIE: It was true after all that Jisoo was kind of famous.

Lisa laughs proudly.

LISA: Right. People love Jisoo.

The VIP box is very spacious and comfortable, plus it has an open bar. I have a feeling Lisa's going to like that.

LISA: Jennie...

JENNIE: Tell me.

LISA: Is it OK to drink today?

JENNIE: At a concert?

LISA: It's also a bit of work, isn't it?

I chuckled.

JENNIE: Drink whatever you want.

I lean closer to her and whisper so no one else can hear us.

JENNIE: But don't overdo it because I'm going to need you later.

Lisa looks at me and smiles, but before I can say anything the lights go out and the music starts to play. The concert has just started and the Magnums take the stage with a lot of energy.

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