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Jennie POV

I don't know what happened inside that wardrobe but my body was about to explode. Ten minutes with Lisa glued to my body is too much for my physical health. I felt like I was going to faint and I wanted to kiss her so badly that it even hurt physically. When she grabbed me around the waist my legs lost the little strength they had and I thought I would fall to the floor, that I would melt in her arms. If they hadn't opened the door I would have kissed her and I don't know how I would have been able to stop for the rest of the night.

'I need a cold shower.'

Now she looks at me nervously, not daring to ask me the question it's my turn to answer. I have no idea what she wants to ask me, but the curiosity kills me. It kills me and scares me to know what's going through her head right now.

NAYEON: Lisa, do you want to ask her already? You've been there for hours, the game has to be dynamic, otherwise it's boring.

LISA: Yes, okay.

She looks me in the eyes, if she doesn't stop looking at me I won't be able to breathe. I try to hide my nervousness, I swallow.

'Ask me the damn question already.'

LISA: Who would you... No! Sorry. Would you sleep with someone here?

She has turned red and looks away. I don't think I'm much less red than she is, do I have to respond that?

'Do I lie?'

SANA: It was better with who, answer who.

LISA: I didn't ask that!

'With whom not, I'd die.'

JENNIE: I'll answer Lisa's question.

NAYEON: But don't lie, Jennie Kim.

'Why do they talk as if they know the answer?'

JENNIE: Well... I don't know. Maybe? I'd have to see myself in the situation.

They all look at me curiously, Rosé gives me her 'we'll talk later' face and I find it a bit awkward.

MOMO: Is that so?

JENNIE: I just don't know, I'd have to be in the situation.

Lisa looks at me as if she's analysing my response and I'm getting warm again.

'Stop looking at me.'

JENNIE: If it was right now, right here in the middle, well, no. But in that situation... I don't know.

NAYEON: What kind of answer is that? It's obvious that you're not going to do it now -she remains silent for a moment and giggles-, although if you wanted to, I wouldn't complain. But come on, the question is clear, would you have sex with someone here yes or no?

I swallow.

SANA: Exactly, if it comes to it and you're already in bed with someone here, would you do it?

ROSÉ: Leave her alone, she's already said she doesn't know.

'Thank you Rosie, I adore you, I love you, you're the best friend in the world.'

SANA: But that's not an answer.

JISOO: Lisa asked the question and if it's okay with her, that's it.

LISA: It's okay with me, -she looks at me shyly and grins.

'I'm really fainting now.'

SANA: But it's my question, not Lisa's.

They're not going to shut up about it.

Tinder - Jenlisa (English version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें