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Jennie POV

'Holy fuck.'

I just opened my eyes, Lisa is sleeping next to me and I still can't believe it. She's adorable when she sleeps.

The alarm on my phone starts ringing and it scares me. I look around for it to turn it off but it's not here, I can't remember where my things went last night and the thought of it makes my cheeks heat up. I finally find it in my coat, next to the sofa.

When I get back to the bedroom Lisa looks at me smiling. I'm naked, and even though it seems silly after last night, I run into bed to cover up.

LISA: You set your alarm clock for a Saturday...

JENNIE: I have it on by default every day.

Then she turns to me and hugs me. It takes my breath away a little, again, every time.

LISA: Good morning...

JENNIE: Good morning.

LISA: Did you sleep well?

She smiles sweetly at me and my tummy tingles.

JENNIE: I haven't slept much.

I caress her arm. She smiles at me. Now we share an intimacy that makes me understand her without words.

LISA: Can we sleep some more? It's Saturday...

I find this new sleepy Lisa adorable.

JENNIE: Wasn't it that you wanted to do a lot of things?

LISA: A little more.

JENNIE: Half an hour.

LISA: Works for me.

She hugs me tightly and I feel her breath on my neck. It doesn't take her thirty seconds to fall asleep again. As weird as it sounds, I feel like this is the best place in the world, here in bed with her. As if something has clicked in my head.

'Well, in my head...'.

Oh, God. I've slept with Lisa. If someone had said something like that to me a month ago I would have laughed and been pissed off, and yet today everything seems so... in place. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a night out so much and now in the morning I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I might think that last night the alcohol got us to that point and that's it, but right now she's cuddled up to me and I feel like I could be in this bed for the rest of the day. I want to let myself go, that's all. See what happens. Get to know her. Maybe if I knew her better... Could it be her? Someone important to me after so long, was she the person I was looking for? The sex is amazing, she makes me laugh, she makes me feel things when she looks at me, like everything stops. Oh, my God, it's her. Is she?

The extra half hour of sleep that I promised Lisa passes without me noticing as I continue to think about all the things that happened and that she told me. I wake her up with care and she just smiles at me. She's smiling all the time and it relaxes me, I feel comfortable when I look at her. That's it, I'm not going to get annoyed. I'm in New York, I've slept with her and now I'm just going to let myself go. What has to be, will be.

LISA: I wanna take a shower.

JENNIE: Okay...

She smashes her face into the pillow and laughs.

LISA: I wasn't informing you, I was saying it because I'm embarrassed, could you turn around?

She turns to me and looks at me with those big eyes and red cheeks. I'm amused that she's embarrassed about me seeing her naked after last night, but it's not really that I can't understand her. I laugh and turn away.

JENNIE: You can come out now.

She kisses my shoulder and I feel her get out of bed.

Lisa POV

I'm making a titanic effort not to go prancing down the street and singing like I'm in a musical. I'm sure that when they sing around happily it's because they feel something like this. I guess so. I guess, I don't know.

In the last twenty-four hours I have met several different types of Jennie. The sexy Jennie, the dominant Jennie and today it's the turn of the shy Jennie. She's like a shiny Pokemon, the same but different. Ok, it's not like a Pokemon, I don't know why I thought that. She's even better.

I fill my lungs with New York air and have a spectacular girl next to me who has just made love to me all night long. Few days of my life have started off this well. Now we're on our way to breakfast, even though it's almost lunchtime I can't let Jennie go without her morning coffee, even more so after I was the one to blame for her late night.

New York's coffee shops are like everything else in New York, huge. They don't even serve you at the table, you have to queue up, choose from seven hundred different types of coffee and then take it to your seat. Jennie sits waiting for me while I order. No one knows better than me how she likes her coffee. I smile at the thought, it doesn't bother me, I like it.

LISA: Here you go.

Jennie smiles at me as she takes her drink.

JENNIE: Thanks.

LISA: It was complicated, you know they have like a thousand different kinds of coffees and milks? I didn't understand anything.

Jennie smiles at me and we talk about it as if we were coffee experts. The feeling I get is crazy. When I talk to Jennie like Jeongyeon, whatever the topic, we can go on for hours. Everything just flows. Today I have that feeling, but Jennie is not talking to Jeongyeon, today she is finally talking to me. It's all natural. She said one thing, I said another... and before long I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life stuck in that conversation. In a loop.

After breakfast we went to visit the Liberty Statue. We never stopped talking. About her, about me, about nonsense. I don't need any more. What's going to happen? Is this going somewhere? I guess, I don't know. I like not knowing. It's like an addictive feeling of vertigo. I wouldn't change this moment for anything.

From the top of the Statue the views are breathtaking, but all I can see is Jennie's smile.

LISA: Fuck, Jen. I like you a lot.

Jennie looks at me in surprise. Is she really surprised? She comes up to me and kisses me. It's different from last night's kisses. She kisses me slowly, softly, as if she wants to treasure the moment, as if the world stands still in that kiss. My belly is full of butterflies, and I don't know if my legs are going to hold my weight much longer. When we pull apart she smiles at me.

JENNIE: I like you a lot too.

'Oh, jeez.'

Not that I doubted it or thought she didn't like me after all that had happened, I'm not an idiot either. But to hear her say it... fuck. Fuck.

The rest of the day went pretty much like that. It was perfect.

Now I'm getting ready at the hotel because tonight, the cherry on top of the best day of my life is going to be the Magnum concert. They are one of my new favourite bands even though they only have four songs and working with them is going to be amazing. This moment in my life, the point in my life right now, is top notch.

The only concern I have is telling Jennie about Jeongyeon. There are several options: tell her as soon as we get to Korea and put up with her anger, apologise, explain and hope she doesn't take it too badly. Or... don't tell her at all. Not like never, but for a long time. I delete Tinder, Jeongyeon suddenly disappears and when months go by I tell Jennie about it as an anecdote. Starting something from a lie is not the best plan in the world, but I think in this case it's the best option.

Jennie knocks on my door, it's time to go. She pulls me out of this thought and I leave it for later. It's a decision I don't have to make now, I'd rather leave the trip to New York as a sort of time-out. I'll figure it out.

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