7. 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖊.

Start from the beginning

" Get home soon." I heard Papa call after us but we were too involved to respond.



It was a day well spent with Rohit bhai and Cockroach. Bhai won me a huge Husky soft toy and Cockroach got me so many treats from the vending machine. I probably gave them both a headache but that's okay.

Reaching home, I was hoping for a quiet evening with my family but instead I got a living room where my family was sitting with his family, talking.

" What is the possibility that we can sneak out without getting noticed?" I whispered to them.

" Well taking into consideration that Ranaji saw you the moment you stepped in, I'd say zero." Cockroach replied and my eyes widened. Saw me? He's here?

" I am still going to try and get to my room without mumma or papa seeing me." I replied and started to retreat my steps but who was I kidding?

" Siya is here with her brothers too. Come on here you all." Hansika bhabhi was the one who threw me under the bus as I withdrew my plan to disappear.

" Come and sit with me beta." Raani Maa Sa asked me and how could I say no? I walked upto there and took a seat next to her.

She then introduced me to Ranaji's younger brother and sister-in-law. They seemed like nice people!

" Now Siya, please tell us what do you want? Everything will be yours." Ranaji's father asked me and my eyes widened. Did they think I wanted something material?

" It's not anything per se that I want uncle. I don't want to be the Queen or anything and...." I started but was cut off in the middle.

" You'll be my wife and by default, the Queen. That is non-negotiable." Ranaji chimed in, grabbing my attention.

" I know that I will be Queen, god this sounds so stupid when I even say it! But I don't want people to know that I am your wife or the queen till the time I finish my graduation. I want zero public attention. Also, I will work after this wedding after I have finished studying. You and I will not be seen together in public till then and yes, I will not be forced or coerced to do anything I don't want to." I laid down my demands which seemed pretty reasonable to me and I secretly hoped that after listening to all this, he's just see how much of work this will be and back out.

I was sure Ranaji was going to oppose to everything that I had just said but Raani Maa Sa spoke up instead.

" That's all?" She asked me with a neutral expression on her face.

" I'll get the visit my family whenever I want. No questions asked oh and one last thing, I will not be forced to change myself. This is me, all of me and I like the way I am." I told everyone clearly.

" Beta you are just like my daughter, not our prisoner. You will get everything you want and yes, we will keep your marriage hidden till the time you graduate." Uncle accepted everything that I had just said. Thank God!

" You will take a transfer from Jaipur university to Jodhpur University starting your next semester. Everything will be taken care of." Now is when Ranaji decided to speak.

" What!?" I shrieked, getting up.

" What transfer? I am not taking any transfer. I will study in Jaipur. I have a life there!" I told him. he couldn't do that!

" I don't believe that studying in Jaipur was one of your terms in that list." He replied as if he was bored! What does this man think of himself!

" I thought that was common sense Ranaji!" I threw my hands in the air, annoyed to death.

" Well, the choice is yours. You can either decide to let the people know that you're the Queen so that I can provide security for you in Jaipur while you study there or you take a transfer to the university of Jodhpur and stay close so that I can look after you myself." He announced, standing up just in front of me.

" I don't need security or anyone to look after me. I can take care of myself and why would I need security when people don't know I am your wife? I'll just be another girl studying like I am" I tried to talk some sense into him but one look and I knew that he wasn't going to give in.

" Security is protocol. I can waiver it off if you are closer to home but if you decide to stay in Jaipur, you will have your own security team on you, always. There is nothing that I can do about it. It's all in the hands of your father." He replied and his words immediately made me look towards Papa.

" Ranaji is right beta. You will need to have security cover if you want to stay in Jaipur. There are some rules which can't be amended." He spoke up in his favour.

" Thank you so much Papa for always having my back. Good to know." I decided to storm out of there before I fall weak and let the tears flow down but before I could take more than two steps, Rohit bhai stopped me.

" Princess, listen to me." He whispered in my ear and Karan bhai came to me too.

" Stay closer to him and make his life a living hell. I know you are perfectly capable of doing that." Karan bhai was the one to whisper this so minutely that no one could have heard. I couldn't suppress the chuckle.

" Moreover this way, you'll be closer to us and anytime you feel like running away, give me a call and we'll take a break from reality and run off to Jaisalmer or Ranthambore or anywhere in the world." Rohit bhai said and this offer seemed so much tempting.

" I think I can do this. But you have to promise that you'll take me anywhere I ask you to?" I whispered back to them.

" We do." They replied together and I finally let out a laugh and turned around.

" I will take the transfer but no one can know about this wedding till after my graduation." I agreed to him.

" Thank you beta." Raani Maa Saa said but I did not have it in me to reply or smile or be a good girl.

" I hate you." I announced, looking at Ranaji and this public declaration got out a genuine smile out of him and I gasped as I felt weird knots in my stomach. He is a hot twisted man and I hope he rots in hell.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 90 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓.Where stories live. Discover now