Master Roshi:Thank you! That's a good girl!

Goku:Time to find my Dragon Ball and your adoptive mom and dad sakura!

Sakura:Uh huh! New adventure here we come!

Krillin/Oolong:Be careful you two!!!

Goku:(Chuckled) Bye! Bye, Bye!

Sakura:See you later everyone! Take care of yourselves! (Chuckled)

Bulma:Good luck, Goku! Sakura!

Puar:So long, then!

The nimbus cloud carried Goku and Sakura to soar up in the sky far away in seconds, a white twinkling dot appeared that they are gone for now.

Yamcha:Those two young lovers will enjoying themselves for a new adventure ahead of them.

Bulma:Something tells me, they'll be just fine.

Master Roshi:They deserved to be each other Goku and Sakura are very special kids! Mmmm! Very special.


And so, Goku and Sakura must part ways with their friends as they sets out in pursuit of Goku's Four Star Dragon Ball and the search of Sakura's father Ryu Hilari and her mother Rose Hilari. The future is unclear for our two heroes, but one thing is certain: the adventure has just begun!


A one red car was driving by yamcha away at the world martial arts tournament heading back home at west city accompanied by Bulma, Oolong and puar at the middle of the desert.

Bulma:Oh! Are you trying to hit every hole in the street or what?

Yamcha:Actually, there is no street...That's why it's called off-road driving, and I'm doing the best I can. You can take the wheel any time you want.

Bulma:Oh-h, can I...? Anything would be better than this torture!

Puar:I've never seen Bulma this upset.

Oolong:She does seem a bit irritable.

Bulma:I am not upset, got it?! This is me happy!

The two shapeshifters look at her dumbfounded at her harsh attitude.

Oolong:Right. We can tell.

Bulma:Be quiet!


It was a bright and sunny day, krillin standby at the walkside of the street waiting for master roshi after he buy his double scoop ice cream cone.

Krillin:Master Roshi said he'd wait for me right here while I got my ice cream. Is this a test?


Instead he went back to his student krillin, master roshi decided to stop by at the store a window display of woman's wear.

Master Roshi:Ah, Eureka! Satin, lace, little straps! Ooh! I betcha they have the type you can eat, too. Yeh-heh! Roshi, behave yourself! Hee-Hee-Hee! Actually, I did promise myself I'd get Launch a souvenir!

Cashier Woman:How can I help you?

He turned his head back and forth humming himself.

Cashier Woman:Is something wrong?

Master Roshi:Well, uh...I was wondering if you'd help me, eh......test these undies out... You know...for quality control...

Cashier Woman:Sir please! I don't know what to say to that!

Master Roshi: I'll... buy several...and who knows...if I like what I see, there might be a tip in it for you, too!

Cashier Woman:Eeeek!

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