The Turtle Hermit Way

Start from the beginning

Launch(Blue Hair):Oh why thank you very much sakura. mister roshi tell me everything about your very good at cooking.

Sakura:Aww shucks! It was really nothing hehehe~Now let's all eat shall we?

Launch(Blue Hair):Yes! Let's enjoy ourselves eating. Let's say our grace first then we'll eat all this food, okay?

Goku/Sakura/Krillin/Master Roshi/Launch(Blue Hair):Our grace first!

They are now started eating. Goku eating his bowl of rice along with sakura doing the same thing. Master Roshi also eat his bowl of rice slowly eating, launch enjoying drinking her soup on the plate, krillin looked around which food is he going to eat first he picked up a pepper sprinkled it at the meat more than that the whole table.

Master Roshi:Wait...! Not the pepper...! She's a land mine!

Krillin:What?! Who is?? I-- Uh-oh...

Launch(Blue Hair):Ah...Ah...Ah...

Sakura(Thoughts:Oh no! There she goes again...)

Launch(Blue Hair):Ah...Achoo!

Launch sneezes, her personality change into a violent lady with her blond hair master roshi and Krillin was stammering except for goku and sakura who's only look at her.

Launch(Blonde Hair):(sinister laughter) Alright... Dessert... is... on... me!

Launch is started to shoot the three men except for sakura she was only sitting watching them dumbfounded with sweatdrop. She even shooted the food and table which she ruins it. Goku,Krillin and master roshi to make a run for it to get away with her.

Launch(Blond Hair):You cowards!


Sakura:Launch, is that really nesessary?

Launch(Blond Hair):Hmph of course it is! Those idiotic bozos! What do they think I am their maid or something?!

Sakura:Oh launch, your same as always. How about I'll do the cleaning and I'll cook something good for the both of us. Why don't you watch t.v okay?

Launch patted her head and she nodded in agreement.

Launch(Blond Hair):Now that's what I called a good gratitude for a little girl. Make me something good while I watch my favorite program.

Sakura:You got it launch!

She grabbed the broom to started sweeping the floor.

Sakura(Thoughts:I just hope those three will be back soon after they finish eating somewhere near outside.)


Back at Goku,Krillin and master roshi they decided to eat at the restaurant the two boys eating so fast with their heart content and master roshi eats slowly.

Krillin:More rice please!

Goku:Me too!...Achoo!

Master Roshi and Krillin shrieks and run towards the corner to stay away with Goku who sneezes.
Goku and the rest of the people are watching them confused the two stop shrieking they turned their heads back and forth then they blushed with embarrassment.


Now that their done eating, they went back home at kame house since launch change back to her gentle personality again and thanks to Sakura, she cooked some delicious food for her that launch really loves it so much and managed to calm blond hair launch down. Master roshi proceed for their next training he nailed the chalk board on the tree Goku and Sakura hold the books and Krillin silently watch master roshi.

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