Chapter 19

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Benjamin motioned her through the doorway first and she froze just inside, her stomach dropping at the amount of people in the hall. She hadn't realized how large the room was, there had to be at least 100 people seated at the tables, chattering away. The noise level dropped dramatically and then fell away into silence as everyone turned to look at them. Olive was trembling even as Benjamin stepped closer and took her elbow again. He mumbled something to her but she couldn't focus on his words. All she could concentrate on was all the eyes staring at her.

Benjamin didn't say a word but everyone suddenly turned away, their gazes shifting away from her, and Olive realized with a shock that he must have mind-linked with the entire room. He led her to a seat at one of the empty tables and Olive dropped gratefully into the chair, leaning her crutches next to her. Nobody was fully staring anymore but she could see quick glances thrown in her direction now and again. Her own eyes fell to her lap and she picked nervously at the skin on her fingertips.

Benjamin slid a plate piled with food in front of her, bringing her attention back. She smiled gratefully at him as he took a seat beside her, so close their knees brushed beneath the table. Olive forked a bite of mashed potatoes into her mouth, trying to ignore the nervous tremble of her hand. Benjamin's hand made its way onto her leg, squeezing gently, reassuringly.

"Angela wants to know if she can come over and say hi," Benjamin finally broke the silence, glancing at Olive over a bite of meatloaf. Olive's head snapped up, scanning the room, looking for Donovan who would no doubt be sitting with Angela, but she didn't see him and nobody was looking in her direction.

Finally Olive nodded hesitantly.

"That would be okay," she said quietly. Benjamin grinned at her and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

"That's my girl," he whispered in her ear, setting her face aflame again. She ducked her head, wishing desperately she hadn't put her hair up that morning so she could hide behind a curtain of hair. Benjamin chuckled and waved someone over, and with a sigh Olive picked her head up, immediately spotting the tall blonde woman crossing the room toward them with a huge smile on her face.

She dropped into a chair on the opposite side of the table, leaning forward on her elbows as she grinned across at Olive.

"I'm SO glad you're here! I'm Angela!"

Olive couldn't help but smile back. "It's nice to meet you, Angela. Thank you so much for the clothes, that was really kind of you."

"I had to, it was my duty as your new best friend. When Donovan told me you'd been wearing Benjamin's gross stuff I knew I had to sort that out. I mean, come on, Benjamin has no taste at all."

Benjamin pointed his fork at Angela.

"Watch it, woman. Don't insult your Alpha."

"Maybe if my Alpha didn't dress like a hopeless bum..." Angela let her voice trail off, flapping a hand dismissively at him.

"I don't want to bother you too much while you're getting acquainted with everything. I just couldn't wait to come over and say hi, it's been killing me all day. I'll catch you later, Olive."

She was gone as quickly as she'd arrived, sweeping out of the dining room in a whirl of long blonde hair. Olive stared after her, trying to process what had just happened. The amount of energy Angela exuded in just a couple of minutes was exhausting.

"Is she always that energetic?" Olive asked. Benjamin nodded and Olive sighed. "Is that a werewolf thing?"

"No, that's definitely just an Angela thing. She's always been like that, I'm actually surprised she didn't stay longer. She usually has a lot more to say."

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