Chapter 12

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(A/N: So I've been on vacation from work this week, which is why I've been able to update so much. I'm about 3 chapters ahead so hopefully I'll be able to keep posting on a more regular basis, work gets in the way sometimes but I'll do my best! Thanks for all of your support!)

Later that night, after everyone was in bed, Olive couldn't sleep. Benjamin and Ren were both in their rooms down the hall, so she knew she wasn't alone, but she still felt restless. After tossing and turning in her bed for several hours, she finally gave up and got up. She hesitated in the hallway, debating with herself on whether she wanted to go downstairs or give in to the pull she was feeling to go to Benjamin.

Olive was sure he had to be sleeping by now. The clock on her bedside table had boldly declared it was 3:15 in the morning. Still she stood there, in the darkened hallway, staring across at his door. Her mind was telling her to just go, but her legs wouldn't move. She didn't want to wake him up, no matter how restless she was feeling. She heaved a sigh and turned toward the stairs.

She hadn't gone two steps when a door swung open behind her. Olive glanced over her shoulder as Benjamin stepped into the hallway, shirtless and rubbing a hand over his face.

"What are you doing? Is something wrong?"

"It's okay, I just...I can't sleep. Why are you awake?"

Benjamin shrugged a shoulder.

"I could feel you," he said simply.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I thought I would just go downstairs and make some coffee or something."

"Don't apologize. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

He hesitated for a second, his hand going to the back of his neck and rubbing nervously.

"Can I come with you?" He finally asked, sending her a hopeful glance.

"Yeah, of course you can," Olive smiled at him.

Benjamin closed the distance between them in three giant steps and tugged the crutches from her hands. He leaned them against the wall and then scooped Olive into his arms before she could protest and proceeded to carry her down the stairs. His bare chest was radiating heat and her body erupted in goosebumps and tingles at the feel of his skin against hers.

He carried her into the kitchen and gently set her on a stool, brushing a gentle kiss against her temple before moving away to start a pot of coffee. Neither of them spoke until Benjamin came back around to her and set a cup on the counter in front of her. He slid onto the stool beside her.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You can always ask me anything. What's on your mind?"

"I know you can mind-link with your pack and all but...since I'm human...will I ever be able to mind-link with you?"

"That's a good question. Once the Bond is strong enough, once the Bond is complete, you'll actually be able to mind-link with not only me, but the pack as well. Once that happens I'll help you learn how to put up a wall so you're not bombarded with everything all the time. I have to do that too, I have to block it all out once in a while so I can get a minute of peace."

Olive mulled his answer over while she took a few sips.

" does the Bond get completed?"

Benjamin turned to face her, smirking a little.

"We have to mate...and I have to mark you."

Olive's entire face flushed as he stared at her and he chuckled.

Safe HavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora