Chapter 4

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Olive woke later, pale morning light streaming in through the curtains. Disoriented, she pushed herself up on her elbows, staring at her surroundings before she remembered where she was. She was alone in the living room, the house was silent. Olive listened for a moment, trying to determine if anyone else was up, but the only sounds were the chirping of the birds outside. She pushed herself off the couch with a groan, desperately needing the bathroom. Everything hurt. Her head no longer ached but her body was sore, her ankle pulsing against the bandages and her palms were sore again. She had no choice but to hop awkwardly on her good leg toward the hallway, praying the bathroom was close.

She made it around the corner and had to brace herself against the wall to catch her balance. Dim light was coming from a nightlight plugged into the wall beside a door and she hopped slowly toward the door.Her instincts were right, it was indeed the bathroom, and she swung herself through the door with a grateful sigh, flipping the light on and blinking in the sudden brightness.

She clicked the door closed behind her and flipped the lock on the handle out of habit. She'd rather be safe than sorry.

It wasn't until she was washing her hands that she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She looked like a mess. Her hair was a giant tangle and her face was covered in dirt. Groaning, she splashed water on her face and carefully tried to wipe the dirt away, wincing at the pain in her palms.

Satisfied that at least her face was clean now, she swung the door open, and let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Someone was standing outside the door.

As she was screaming Olive realized it was only Ren, but it was too late. She clutched a hand to her chest, her heart pounding.

"Fucking HELL, Ren!" she shouted angrily, but even as she shouted at him his face cracked into a grin and then they were both laughing.

"I'm sorry! I really didn't mean it!"

"Fucking hell," Olive said again, "I think my heart completely stopped. Warn a girl next time you're lurking out here in the dark, would you please?"

She limped into the hallway, grinning but she still sent a stern glare in his direction. Ren jumped forward to take her arm and help her back into the living room.

"I really am sorry, I forgot you were even here, I just needed the bathroom and when I came down and the door was shut I almost barged in. I'd only realized it was you when you swung the door open and I didn't have time to move."

Olive dropped back onto the sofa as soon as they were close enough. Hopping through the house was a challenge even with Ren supporting her. She sighed in relief and propped her foot up on the footstool.

"How's that feeling?" Ren asked, nodding at her ankle. Olive lifted a shoulder.

"Sore. Benjamin gave me some aspirin before I slept though, so it's tolerable."

Ren smiled at her, something dancing in his eyes she didn't understand, and before she could ask he'd turned on his heel and swept from the room. He was only gone for a few minutes when he returned holding two cups of steaming coffee and held one out to her.

"Ren, you're absolutely beautiful," Olive winked as she took the cup from him. "How did you know I needed this?"

He snorted.

"Olive, any decent human needs coffee. Besides, Benjamin will probably be awake soon and he tends to be a bit grouchy if he doesn't get his coffee so I figured I better be prepared."

Ren took a seat at the other end of the sofa and they sipped their coffeein silence, Olive thoroughly enjoying the feel of the warm mug against her cold fingers. Sure enough, before her mug was half empty they heard the sounds of a door opening upstairs, quickly followed  by footsteps thudding down the steps.

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