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"Mom what are you..." - Yoohyeon didn't continue speaking after seeing her mother tearing up while slowly getting closer to her and hugging her. Yoohyeon didn't hug her back but just stood there in utter shock.

She was now very confused. How did her mother know about this place? What was she doing here? Wasn't she in America? How could she possibly be here.. right now?

"Why are you here? Where's Minji? Did the others know about this too?"

The questions just kept on coming and coming until Yoohyeon's mother had to stop her and sit her down on the bench.

"Yoohyeon, my child... I think it's time for you to know." - Her mother held her hand and stared at Yoohyeon eyes.

Yoohyeon looked at her a bit scared. She had never seen her mother being so concerned and worried about her.

"What is there that I should know?" - Yoohyeon asked. Her mother sighed before answering her question.

"The real truth.."


"Please pick up.. C'mon c'mon..!" - Mrs. Kim's anxious voice was heard. She was walking in circles in a hospital's hallway, waiting for someone to answer her call.

"Hello? Mrs. Kim?" - The person from the other line finally picked up the phone.

"Minji! Oh my god you need to come to the hospital right now! Yoohyeon got in a car accident, please!" - Mrs. Kim was on the verge of tears, screaming on the phone while everyone around was staring at her worryingly.

"Wait but.. I just had an argument with her what do you mean a-"

"It doesn't matter! Tell me when you're here but please just.. just come here.." - The woman hung up and waited for her daughter's girlfriend to make her way here.

20 minutes later

"Where's Yoohyeon?"

A running girl's voice was heard echoing through the silent hallway. Mrs. Kim who was crying just hugged her and pointed at the surgery room. Minji's eyes widened and she demanded to know what was going on.

"Yoohyeon.. My daughter.. got in a car accident after leaving.. your house." - The mother tried to keep her composure and calmly explained the whole thing. How a young girl named Handong helped Yoohyeon and called an ambulance and notified her the moment they reached the hospital. Minji was just speechless. She stared at the surgery room and stood in a single spot, without moving nor reacting.

But that didn't sit tight with Mrs. Kim. She was happy that Minji was taking this information in without panicking but at the same she was surprised - she didn't show any emotions.

"Why do you look so.. expressionless? - Mrs. Kim asked Minji with confusion in her voice.

"I.. I don't know how to feel.. I'm just.. I don't know.." - Minji silently said and dropped on the ground crying her eyes and soul out. Mrs. Kim got closer to her and pat her back. She remembered that Minji mentioned they were arguing a while ago so she thought about asking the latter what was going on before the accident.

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