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Yoohyeon couldn't sleep all night because of this anonymous letter.

"Who is this woman and why am I so emotionally attached to her..?" - Yoohyeon spoke to herself, brushing up her hair and slowly getting up from her bed to try to walk around the room. She almost fell a couple of times but practice is key.

Whoever this woman was, she was definitely playing a big part of Yoohyeon's past. She couldn't remember a single thing about the girl in the picture but Yooh knew very well that this lady will either bring her happiness or sadness for the rest of her life.

*knock knock knock*

Someone was knocking on her door. Yoohyeon gently welcomed them in and was really surprised to see a cute face she actually remembers.

"Hey, I remember you! You were Gahyeon right? My classmate from English class in.. SNU? (Seoul College University)" - Yoohyeon happily said that while pointing at the person.

But what's funny is that most people probably thought that she's on her death bed now so it's possible that Yoohyeon's current state left Gahyeon in shock.

"Y-y-y-yeah, I'm surprised you remember me.." - said the shocked girl. Yoohyeon slowly walked up to her and hugged her. Gahyeon was a bit speechless not because of the sudden act of kindness but because she brought white chrysanthemums, flowers known as a symbol of grief.

Yoohyeon chuckled and took the flowers, smelling them before placing them on a vase next to her bed. Maybe she didn't really understand the message behind those flowers... She sat down on the couch and massaged her thighs.

"I haven't walked in so long I'm still slowly getting used to it" - said Yooh and sighed.

"Understandable. You were never the biggest fan of walking anyways.. but always managed to be great at sports." - Gahyeon added before sitting down next to her friend and smiling at her.

Yoohyeon looked the same to Gahyeon but that was not the case for the latter. To Yoohyeon, Gahyeon looked so different now then when they were in class together.

They first met 5 years ago. It was their first semester in college and Gahyeon had that teenager innocence all over her. She had beautiful long pink hair then but now it was medium-short and black.

Yoohyeon was very fond of her friend's love for traveling. They could sit and chat for hours and talk about their dreams of visiting every place in the world. Gahyeon always talked about how she wished to see the aurora and go to Norway and now that dream had become true.

"I brought a picture book of all the places I traveled to. Do you want to see them?" - Gahyeon said with enthusiasm and knowing Yoohyeon, she would never say no to her. Not that she wanted to.

The book was full of pictures of food, beautiful buildings, the sky view from planes and their classmates in school. Gahyeon was now in her last semester year and that really surprised Yoohyeon. She knew life continued when she was in a coma but didn't expect it to have passed by so quickly.

Gahyeon gave Yoohyeon a small tug and showed her a special picture that was a gift from someone.

It was a picture of a house in Daejeon - Yooh's favorite city. Yoohyeon stared at the picture but didn't know what was so special about it until she saw the date it was taken.

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