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It was morning. Yoohyeon woke up before her two friends and stretched but heard some bones cracking which made her massage the area where the sound came from. This night sleep was definitely uncomfortable and might leave Yoohyeon with some back pain throughout the whole day.

She left the car and made her way towards the motel to check if the others were awake and to her surprise she was welcomed by Yena who was still in her shift. She immediately waved and made her way towards her. Yena was half asleep and totally tired.

Yena's exhausted expression lit up in an instant and she sat straight up on her office chair and greeted Yoohyeon.

"Good morning Yoohyeon! Your friends woke up before you and are in the cafeteria waiting for you."

"Good morning to you too. Didn't you sleep at all tonight?"

"I did for a few hours but I'm so exhausted from preparing food. Thankfully some middle aged man just came out of nowhere to help me cook!"

"Oh really? That's so nice of him."

"It really is! Also, that same man was looking for you and your friends, do you know him by any chance?" - Yena asked, slightly tilting her head. Yoohyeon just stared at her but then she realized who it could be.

She made her way towards the cafeteria and was greeted by  her friends and the man sitting in a big table waiting for her. She squinted her eyes and saw who he is and smiled at him.

"Hey there, I thought I should surprise everyone with my sudden appearance today." - Mr. Kim waved at Yoohyeon and motioned her to sit down to eat with them.

"You made all of this?" - Yoohyeon pointed at the food, surprised by his cooking skills. Everyone chuckled and he just nodded, feeling prideful.

Everybody slowly ate their food and chatted the whole time. The two sleepyheads from the car also woke up and joined them. Yoohyeon invited Yena to eat with them and introduced her to the whole group. They were all very accepting of her and she quickly became a new buddy of everyone.

When they were all done with breakfast some decided to go shopping for random stuff or just take a walk. Handong, Dami and Sua made their way to the car and took off to a carboot with Mr. Kim's help of showing them around the area, Siyeon, Gahyeon and Yena went for a short walk around the area since they clicked so well and played games on their phones outside and Yoohyeon was left alone inside the motel.

She doodled some sketches on a piece of paper she secretly got from the reception table and did quick portrait of Minji. She wondered if she looked the same, wether her voice had changed or most important, she still had some feelings left for her. These thoughts were soon interrupted by a loud thunder. It wasn't raining yet, but it was a sign that it would be pouring a lot.

The three girls came back from outside and saw Yoohyeon staring through one of the windows. She still hadn't noticed their presence so they thought it would be good to leave her be for a while. But Yena didn't feel like leaving her alone, not in her state. Yena knew that she was feeling a lot of emotions in that moment so she slowly made her way towards Yoohyeon and tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"Are you thinking about Minji?" - Yena asked, getting a smile from Yoohyeon and a nod as an answer to her question.

"Just don't think much about it. It's going to ruin that pretty face of yours." - Yena tugged her so she can feel better. It definitely helped since Yoohyeon giggled at her small joke. Yena just smiled and sighed.

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