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Yoohyeon suddenly woke up, feeling pain all over her body. She didn't know where she was but it was warm. She looked around - a big fireplace was lit inside a huge living room with a bohemian vibe to it, looked like a room in a big house, even a mansion and it was in the woods for sure. She noticed a door with a lock on it, probably the front one to leaving this place.

She was about to get up but winced in pain. She looked down and she had bandages all over her. Flashbacks from last night came back in a flash and she remembered the man who saved her. She couldn't be completely sure it was the place of the man she was looking for, so she had to cautiously examine everything.

Steps could be heard coming from the main hall. She slowly got up, holding her stomach wound with her hand and took a vase from the coffee table to use as a weapon if it was someone unexpected. The steps got closer and closer until...


"Oh my goodness Yoohyeon, why are you screaming?! Don't scare me like that ever again, gosh!" - The surprised man almost dropped what seemed to be a tray with an antique looking tea set - Yoohyeon's favorite.

She almost hit the man in the head but when she saw his face better and heard his soothing voice she dropped the vase on a cushion. She smiled and quickly rushed to hug him.

"Woah woah wait wait, the tea set, THE TEA SET!" - The man was audibly trying hard to not drop everything on top of the girl. Yoohyeon started sobbing on his shoulder, which made him leave the tray on a desk next to him and hug the girl back.

"T-Thank you for saving me Mr. Kim... I would've d-died if it wasn't for you.." - She quietly muttered between sobs. The man pulled out the hug and sat her down, caressing her hand so she calms down.

"Oh Yoohyeon you shouldn't have followed me into that dark street. I was just delivering some italian 'medicine' to some clients." - The man jokingly said the word medicine, earning a chuckle from the girl. He was a very well known doctor in his town but people didn't know he does bad business with criminals as well.

"You're still into that business?" - She worriedly asked him. He calmly nodded but then he turned his gaze towards her in a flash, looking confused.

"I thought you had memory loss? How come you remember that I used to do fishy business- How do you even remember me?" - His questions kept on attacking her and all she had to do was wait for him to stop. She just coughed to get his attention and told him how she remembers only his face and a small part of who he is.

"I do have memory loss but I am slowly starting to remember stuff about people. I don't remember you well but I do know you're Minji's father and that you do very 'legal' stuff to say the least." - Yoohyeon said the last part jokingly. She noticed his facial expression saddening when she mentioned Minji. She wondered if it was the best timing to ask about her but still did nevertheless.

"Speaking of Minji, can you tell me where she is? I have started to remember about a lot of people but I can't seem to remember anything about her, I only remember when certain small events have happened to us or a thing that reminds me of her."

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