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"Who is Minji?"

That was the only question wandering on Yoohyeon's mind on her way back. She reached her apartment and immediately started doing some digging on that person. She found information on so many people named Minji but she had no idea which one was the right one.

"Why are there so many people named Minji.. Ugh, this is so frustrating!"

She sighed in defeat before turning off her phone and flopping on the couch. The thought of that girl's existence didn't leave her alone for the whole morning until it was lunch and Sua came back from work on her lunch break. She got startled to see Yoohyeon aggressively staring at her. Sua wasn't used to seeing her like that - she wasn't used to seeing her at all but that's a different story.

"Why're you so madly staring at me as if I had stolen your money... I promise it happened once but that was years ago-"

She was cut between sentence because of Yoohyeon's loud sigh. "What could be on her mind now to make her act like this.." said Sua to herself, looking at her friend's devastated state. She sat next to her and stretched out her arms.

"Do you want to talk about what's on your mind right now?" - Sua carefully asked. Yoohyeon looked at her and shook her head, saying that's its not serious and she'll get over it.

"Whatever you say then, want me to make you some lunch before I'm off to work again?"

This question lit up the blonde girl's face and it gave the shorter one the answer she needed. Sua got up from the couch and started cooking a quick meal.

Meanwhile, Yoohyeon went to her room and started scavenging some old stuff, hoping she'll find things about Minji and... she did!
It was from her old school's yearbook and it seemed like Minji was her senior but what she didn't expect was that this is the one person she was searching for - the mystery woman.

"We went to the same school?"

Yoohyeon flipped through the pages and didn't expect to see Bora on there as well. Those two were classmates and seemed close too since their yearbook quotes were matching.

This information left Yoohyeon feeling intrigued. She needed to know more but didn't feel like confronting her friend since she was busy. But the thought of Sua probably knowing a lot about Minji but not telling her was making her feel disturbed for sure.

Some time later she was called to eat. Sua had cooked delicious cold noodle soup and her favorite cesar salad. Yoohyeon thanked her with a hug and started eating right after she left. Her dog had woken up from it's slumber as well so she didn't eat alone after all.

"Pie, by any chance do you know about Minji?" - the dog just wagged it's tail and barked. Yoohyeon was feeling delusional and thought it was a sign that even the dog knows something but it doesn't tell her. Poor Pie..

She ate her meal and washed the dishes as any person would. Then she got an unexpected call from her boss after he found out she was still alive, calling in to check in on her. Yoohyeon didn't know how much of a miracle it was for her to wake up after that incident. She felt grateful to know so many people missed her and how noticable her absence was.

"Ms Kim, if you ever decide to start working after you've fully recovered, don't forget that we'll take you in with open arms!" - her boss made sure that she knows she's welcomed to come back to work any time. She thanked him and hung up after talking for a while.

Now silence had filled up the room again. She didn't like that. She went to go listen to music and draw, hoping to speed up time so Siyeon and Sua come back sooner.

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