41. A Hero or Monster? Part 1

Start from the beginning

No, wait.

Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist.

In order to dominate this world as "Absolute Evil" and beat down humanity into an abyss of despair, something as unreliable as God must be defeated as well.

Garou caught up with the two of them and unleashed the power of his fist. In an instant, the hero and monster were thrown back. Nothing could compare to his strength now. He would defeat them all.

Platinum Sperm launched Flashy Flash towards him, and Garou lept to engage him. Flashy Flash lashed out with a kick, but Garou redirected his foot harmlessly into the air. Garou went to punch him, but Platinum Sperm came out of nowhere and kicked him in the face, pulling him away from Garou. Once again, Garou was stuck playing catch up. He was getting tired of these games.

"Hahaha! Look at you, so full of openings!" Platinum Sperm mocked Flashy Flash. "Is there something wrong with your spirit? Has your will to fight abandoned you? You heroes are all the same! Just like Darkshine, when someone outclasses you in your specialty, you abandon your principles and put all your effort into protecting your own pride! After all, that's what being a hero's all about, right? A being who wants to help the weak does not exist!"

Platinum Sperm landed a devastating blow to Flashy Flash's ribs and sent him hurtling to the ground. Flashy Flash landed with an explosion of dust, and did not rise. Garou launched himself at Platinum Sperm, landing on him with a knee to his chest. "Now it's just you and me."

Now that there were only two players to this game of theirs, Garou and Platinum Sperm were never separated for long. They traded blows, fists and feet flashing in fantastic fashion. Garou redirected Platinum Sperm's blow, using the outside of his hand to push against his elbow. Garou's hand snaked up his arm and grabbed Platinum Sperm by the throat. Garou slammed him down into the rock then tossed him up. Garou pushed off the rock and somersaulted so he was facing the ground. Garou dropkicked Platinum Sperm as gravity was pulling him down. Garou landed on a piece of debris and bounded after Platinum Sperm. The appendage on his head whipped out and wrapped around Garou's wrist and pulled him towards Platinum Sperm, spinning him around. Garou used the momentum to plant a kick to the side of Platinum Sperm's head. Platinum Sperm howled, the fury in his eyes unmistakable. The fury soon turned to fear as Garou approached with his fist cocked back. He tried to use the same defensive rings he had used against Flashy Flash, but Garou punched straight through his defense, punching him in the face and rocketing the two of them towards the ground. Platinum Sperm managed to kick him away just before they hit the ground, but the two of them still landed with enough force to make craters. Platinum Sperm rose with a ferocious roar, shouting "GAROOOUUU!"

Garou was having none of it. Garou split through Platinum Sperm, the cracks in his shell ripping open with specks of light. His body exploded into light, showering the entire battlefield with droplets of light particles.

Garou roared, baring his teeth in a triumphant roar. After all this time, he had won. Disaster Level "God" had arrived.

Garou stood triumphant on the field of battle. All of the hurdles in his way were finally behind him. The heroes lay scattered and defeated around him. The monsters were dead, their corpses strewn about on this desolate plain. Now all he had to do was destroy the Hero Association once and for all, and show the world the new face of fear. Garou took a moment to breathe, and smiled up at the sun. At last, his goals could finally be realized.

The ground shifted beneath him. Garou stumbled, a scowl replacing his smile. "Oh for fuck's sake."

An enormous centipede, even bigger than the one in S City erupted from the ground. Its mandibles gripped the bottom of the Monster Association base, crunching through it as it rose from the earth.

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