A Week with Him- 2

Start from the beginning

They reached a shop which seemed to be selling casual clothes suited for the coming fall. She was glad that they hadn't attracted any unwanted attention. She felt a little weird to be out shopping with someone like Snape; he'd been quite tolerable till now. They entered the shop and the chiming bell alerted the owner who happened to be a young French man with blonde hair and sharp blue eyes.

"Bonjour, jeune fille." said the man as he took Svadhina's right hand for a peck.

Svadhina was delighted to see his mannerisms and felt warmth rushing to her cheeks.

"Bonjour" she replied him

"What are you looking for Madame ?"

She got a little engrossed in the man's beauty that she didn't hear him clearly. Snape seemed to be watching every expression of hers, so he tugged his hand around her elbow to get her attention.

"Haimi, the young man wishes to know what do you need to buy." He said in a weird sweet tone; unlike the Snapeish tone.

"Oh sorry, yeah. Not much just some comfortable homely clothes, casual dress shirts and a pair of denims."

"Alright. This way madame, we have everything on the display."

Snape came to her and whispered in her ears.
" Hiami, make sure you don't take forever." His gesture made blood rush to her neck and cheeks, even stronger than before. She couldn't understand why she would get nervous whenever he got closer to her.

Snape you get me like no other. I give you that much credits.

She was so flustered that her reply came out in a stammer.

"Uhm yeah...I ..I won't."

Svadhina quickly picked up two baggy Tshirts- a grey and a viridian one; a pair of blue denims, a pair of cotton undies, a bra and a pair of pyjamas. She took them to the billing counter where the handsome guy stood.

"Wouldn't you try eet, madame?"
"No thanks, I'm confident about the fit."

"You're pretty sure you are." he replied in a flirtatious tone.

"Would you mind me asking your name, madame."
And then Svadhina felt Snape's presence beside her.

"I don't think that's necessary young man, we aren't coming again. Besides, If I were you, I wouldn't want my customer to wait for long."
He then placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze.

"Correct Haimi ?" He eyed the blonde man menacingly.

The man placed her items quickly in a bag with a bill.

" Here you go, mademoiselle."

Svadhina greeted him with a goodbye and left the shop with Snape. No one spoke on their way to the grocery store. When they reached, they went on different paths to get the various items needed. Before billing, they sorted their things. Svadhina saw that Snape came back with basic food stuff like bread, frozen chicken, egg tray, milk cartons, vegetables and cookies like manyyy cookies.

Snape has a sweet tooth.

Svadhina on the other hand had sausages, salamis, a packet of basmati rice, yellow pulses, nuts like almonds, dates and cashews, a whole lot of cucumbers, lemons and packets of ...

"Shiyo ramen?" asked Snape with a lift of his left brow.

"Yeah. I'm craving them and I have picked many other things we'll need."

"I see..." He drawled.

" Don't be such a drag. I'll pay." She said with a grin.
Snape just stood there, defeated and tired. He could do nothing or as much as argue when it came to food.

To Love is to Die (Severus Snape×OC Indian)Where stories live. Discover now