At Haimi's Residence

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"Svadhina, can you water the plants again dear? " called out Mrs Haimi.

"Sure maa." she called back.

"And dear don't forget to put a scarf, it's scorching hot outside." said Mr Haimi from the kitchen while he prepared some cucumber smoothie.

Svadhina's father was a horticulture scientist and so it was obvious for them to have gardens full of ornamental plants. It was 11.30 am and the temperature had spiked upto 36 degree Celsius already. And that's how Svadhina found herself watering her father's precious plants for the second time. Not that she was lethargic but summer days in India always made her wish to do nothing but sit in her room with a cool drink ( made of cucumbers perhaps. She loved them so much that she was sure she wouldn't need to get into drugs to get high; cucumbers and citrus were enough for her).

As she was watering the lilies, she noticed a cat sitting on the water motorhouse in her garden. It looked very different; rather well groomed for a cat in her society.
Svadhina loved cats very much, she had a cat when she was a child but after its demise her parents weren't strong enough to grieve in loss incase.
So she couldn't help herself but go to the cat and hold it in her hands.

Wait a minute!!....It was a tabby cat which happened to be rare unless it's imported or something. The cat seemed very reciprocative to her pata as it easily came in her arms and to her surprise purred when she took it in her garden swing in the shelter.

Just as she scratched it's neck, she happened to notice its eyes. There were square shaped markings around its eyes.

Her eyes widened at a weird realisation. She quickly scooped up the cat and ran into her living room.

" God's is it Professor McGonagall ?" she breathed as she put the cat on the floor. Her heartbeat quickened as she put two and two together.

She must be hallucinating. Yes..that's what happening to her, she must not be in her right state of mind. But she gasped loudly as the cat transformed into the very Professor McGonagall right infront of her eyes.

Svadhina stood transfixed with her mouth wide open. She shook her head and blinked her eyes twice and thrice but the Professor stood infront of her with her hands folded by her chest. Her face looked perturbed for some reason.

"This can't be true, no it cannot way." mumbled Svadhina all the time and her legs led her behind until she missed a step and fell hard on her back. But before she could a sturdy grip on her forearm steadied her.

When she stood her kohl lined eyes met a pair of onyx eyes on a pale visage with a permanent scowl on it. He wore a dark blue frockcoat and pants with a black cloak over it. He had shoulder length jet black hair.

If the situation would have been normal, Svadhina would laugh thinking that how on Earth they managed to stand straight with such clothing in this weather.

But this was completely different. This look was familiar; this man was familiar and she knew who he was as she breathed unbelievably

"Do you happen to be Professor Snn..Snape?"

The man before her gave a calculating look but quickly hid it under his scowl.

"I suggest you give a check to those spectacles of yours girl, not everyone you meet will help you if you happen to fall flat on your face." said an irritated Snape.

"Well, Good Afternoon Miss Haimi." said McGonagall with a pleasant smile.

Well a short chapter but another one coming soon after. Enjoy lovelies...

Until then please read the chapters and I would love to see your comments......

For now bye bye.....

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