Knowledge is Power

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The next day, Svadhina woke up early- fresh with a resolution. Today would be her first class with the Hogwarts professors.

She took a quick bath and got dressed in another one of the floral dresses from her wardrobe. She stood infront of the mirror to assess herself. She reached for the comb to brush her long hair which seemed to be a tedious task. She sat down on the small dresser stool; grabbed the hair ends that were splattered on the floor and started brushing away the knots, slowly working up to her scalp. However, she was interrupted by none other than her transfiguration professor.

"Good morning Miss Haimi, I hope you're good?"

"Goodmorning Professor and indeed everything is in order... for now."

"Having troubles with your hair?" McGonagall asked as she eyed her one hand holding the brush and the other holding her black strands.

Svadhina looked at the reflection of her professor and replied

"Oh..uhm, not much, it'll take a little time but nothing much I can't handle."

"Oh let me show you something." said McGonagall as she approached Svadhina. She took the brush from her hand and kept it on the dresser.

"Do you know, that your hair is different just like you ?"

"Well... I don't really get it Professor."

"Your hair is mystical, or should I say that magic runs within your hair unlike others..." She said as she lightly stroked her fingers on her scalp " I can practically feel it. At first I was doubtful, but when at Ollivander's, I saw sparks of lightening flowing within them, I was assured."

Svadhina's eyes widened at the remark.
" My body is coming up with surprises too unique to realise, don't you think ?"

McGonagall's face again showed the same worried expression everytime Svadhina unintentionally spoke of her  newfound abilities. But she quickly masked it with a small smile.

"Then we shall see what you've got in store."
"As for now, just take your wand...." McGonagall took her wand "....and tap it twice on your head and it will release your hair knots and can give you a quick hairstyle if you want."

She tapped the wand again and Svadhina looked surprisingly how her hair braided itself.

"Try for yourself."

She took her own wand, carefull not to hurt her with its hooked tip. She thought of a simple updo and tapped the wand. Her hair quickly folded itself to her imagined look.

" Goodness me..." She exclaimed with her mouth wide open.

"It'll save your time which at the moment you seem to be lacking." reminded McGonagall as she went back to her strict and stiff form.

"Now rush for breakfast, Professor Flitwick will be coming in any moment."

It was eight in the morning and Svadhina was waiting for Professor Flitwick while she read the Standard Book of Spells. She was a quick learner so she was already on Volume 4 when the professor concerned came tumbling down the fireplace, coughing and covered in soot.

"Merlin's beard, floo network is definitely the most infuriating way to go about." exclaimed Professor Flitwick.
Svadhina rushed to his side and helped him with her hand. She then took her wand out and said...

"Scourgify" and all the soot vanished from his robes. She handed him a glass of water to drink.

McGonagall came rushing down the stairs upon hearing the noise.
"Oh oh Filius, are you alright ?"

"I'm good Minerva, thanks to Miss?" He asked as he looked at Svadhina for her name.

"Haimi sir."
"Good Lord Minerva, Miss Haimi had just performed a splendid Level 4 spell and I haven't even taught her yet." said the beaming professor.

"It's just because I've read about them beforehand, sir. But I would love to learn the same from you."

"Definitely, definitely. Then let's start, shall we?"

Professor Flitwick started to teach her about history of charms, discovery of wands and laws concerning them but she had remembered them by heart. This surprised the professor a little for he didn't expect for her to catch this fast. She was definitely a bright and skilled student.

So he proceeded to the practical part and showed her basic spells like the wand-lighting charm (lumos), sunlight charm (lumos solem) and the fire making charm which had different colours depending upon the caster. Svadhina's casted fire glowed a bright white colour.

He then taught her some advanced spells like the severing charm, softening charm and finally the levitation charm.

"Wingardium LeviOsa" she practised on a book.

Just then Flitwick started
"That's exactly how you pronounce it. I wonder where you learnt that."

"Oh this Professor. I haven't learnt it from anywhere; just felt it was right to say it that way." She couldn't disclose how she read about the character of Hermione correcting Ron  for saying it wrong in the book.

"That's an actual thing to consider Miss Haimi, even when you invent spells. There's a voice that tells you what is right or wrong."

Soon Professor Sprout came for Svadhina's Herbology lesson. Just like Charms she had read the books beforehand as much as possible to learn the basics like the required tools which were much similar to the Muggle gardening tools her father uses while tending his plants; except for the gloves which were made from dragon hide instead of leather.

She taught her how to look after magical plants, uses of various dungs of magical creatures, uses of centaur tears.

For practicals she taught her to grow a snapdragon plant in McGonagall's garden and gave her an assignment to grow a healthy bush of them by the end of the month.

Then came Professor Sinistra to take Astronomy lessons and taught her all the theory basics of the subject. She even got praised for learning the skills faster.

"Miss Haimi, you're quite talented. I will be honest, when Dumbledore assigned me the task of tutoring you a four year long syllabus in just two months, I was doubtful if you could learn at all. But you've proved yourself to be really efficient. I believe you can easily pass your exams. Until then keep reading and now onwards I'll take these classes at night to help you with the charts, alright ?"

"Sure professor."

There was no denying that Svadhina too wasn't anxious as to how she would learn so much in so less time. But her experience in the Muggle University where the teachers always burdened the students with loads of work along with learning, made her used to the pressure. Besides, reading has always helped her and the task seemed a little more approachable to her.

Updated dearies.....plz keep reading and send your thoughts in the comments. The much awaited lesson with our Potions Master will come soon.

Until next time....bye bye...

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