The First Flight

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It was the midnight of 27th June. Professors McGonagall and Snape had to leave for India by the flight at three in the morning.

Snape's irritation didn't seem to go away as he paced in the living room of his quarters. He wasn't in good terms with his sleep already which was the main reason for his irkness. His dunderhead students weren't any good either, they only added to his troubles. Now the fact that he has to travel a long distance by muggle means was like a fuel to the fire.

Arthur Weasley could have been a better companion to Minerva in every aspect; he loved everything about Muggles. It was not that he hated muggles; how could he hate them when his heart fell hard for a muggleborn which ached for her till date.

Lily Potter....he had made a grave mistake for which he had taken all the pain and will take in future ( of which he was certain). It was all in a single hope of being forgiven by her someday.

Or maybe he was seeking forgiveness from his conscience. But whatever has to come, he will face it...all for her. And now he had to follow Albus's instructions.

So he went to his bedroom to dress himself. He had told Minerva to wait for him by the gate before apparating to London.
Professor McGonagall was getting ready too. She chose to dress herself in long sleeved Muggle top with tartan print over a long pleated skirt. She pinned her hair up in her usual bun and teamed everything with leather flats.

When she reached the entrance gates her mouth dropped for she couldn't believe her eyes.
There stood Severus Snape in three piece grey suit with black brogues. His hair looked shampooed and tied in a low ponytail at the nape of his neck. Professor McGonagall was definitely gawking for Snape said as he rolled his eyes.

"Liking the show are we ?"
" Oh shut it Severus" said McGonagall but kept staring at him.

Snape smirked and said " I would advise you to stop staring at my person, Minerva. I believe we have a flight to catch."

And then they apparated together.

They didn't carry any luggage so they didn't have trouble passing through the customs. They got their boarding passes and sat in their respective seats.

Although they had a little row as McGonagall wanted to sit at the window seat which was of Severus according to the tickets. At first he didn't comply to her request and asked her to sit in her own seat but then exchanged it with her later on when an elderly man who sat beside her started to bring up awkward conversations with her.

" I won't be able to get some sleep if you keep looking at me, Head of Gryffindor House." he said when McGonagall couldn't stop eying him apologetically.

It was around 11 am in the morning when they landed in New Delhi. They couldn't resist themselves from the beauty of the city. It was so different yet so beautiful. Snape on the other hand was nothing but impressed. He knew that magic was just a metaphor; India was indeed an incredible country and they had just started exploring the capital city.

Just one thing: it was too hot for their liking and Severus immediately regretted for covering up every inch of his skin. So when he removed his upper coat, he received many glances from the ladies passing by.

" You are indeed putting up a good show Severus." said McGonagall as she stiffled a laugh.

If his face showed a bit of aw it changed back quickly to his familiar scowl.

"Much to your disappointment Minerva, we cannot sport these clothes for long. We have to present in our original selves before the girl."

"Don't worry Severus. Besides the apparition point must be nearby. Yes....just about that corner." said McGonagall.

They reached a desolate construction site and apparated together to the Haimi's residence.

Tadaa!! This chapter is over, our two badass professors had a good time traveling by an airplane.....Let's see how they convince Svadhina to accept her reality.
Until then bye bye.....

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