Chapter 56: Traitors and Treason | Pt 2

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I dashed from one wall to another, pressing my back firmly against the cracked stone as I listened for any guards patrolling the area. I saw a light begin to shine on the thick wall of the archway to my left, and I heard jingling as a guard passed by it. The light got brighter until it started to move as the lantern went down the hall, and I peeked into the room.

The guard's back was now facing me as he walked away, and then he turned to the left to continue circling the pillar in the center of the small room. I waited until he was out of sight again before I quietly walked across to the side of the pillar he just walked by, and then I waited until I knew he'd be on the opposite side.

I then dashed across to the next archway, and I poked my head into that hall to see if any one was patrolling. I saw a guard walking away from me, fortunately down the end I didn't need to go. I rushed down the hall away from him, and then I turned a sharp corner and hid there.

"Where could he be?" I quietly pondered, and I took a few deep breaths and tried to think of what could've possibly happened to Azu. But once I caught my breath, I could hear a lot of loud noise coming from far down the hallway, and I heard two doors burst open. Light now emitting from an entrance a while down let me know where the noise was coming from, and I quickly hurried to the location.

"How you like that, huh!?" I heard someone yell as soldiers off duty rushed out of the room yelling, and I snuck in still with my mask on to keep my identity. A large, wooden chandelier hung from the center of the ceiling, and I could see Azu hanging off the side of it, blowing fire down from his hand while he spun in circles. "You might call me the light of your party!"

"Aw, leaving so soon?" I looked to my right and saw a woman standing on the counter holding a guard by the shirt with her sword resting by her side. She threw him down and he ran right past me, crying in fear. "You're all missing dessert!" She grinned as she slashed her swords against each other, chuckling as the rest of the crowd left.

"Come back and get your fudge cakes while they're hot!" Azu laughed as fire continued to spread throughout the room, and the girl with him pushed her long bangs out of her face before noticing me.

"Oh! We have a guest." She said, and Azu smiled and stopped his fire. "This one's all dressed up and everything!"

"I'd be happy to give you a taste of this!" He formed a fireball in his hand as he continued to spin. "I'll warn you, it's a little spicy!"

"Azu, it's me!" I pulled off my mask as I yelled, and his eyes went wide as his smile dropped for a moment.

"Ida?" He smiled again as he waved away his fire, and then he leaped off the chandelier and landed on the table in the middle. Basically the only thing not doused in fire. He took a deep breath in, and then when he released it, wind blew everywhere and put out the fire in the room. And once it was all gone, he leaped off the table and ran to hug me. "I'm so glad you're safe!"

"I'm glad you're okay! We've been looking for you." He pulled away from me, and we smiled for a moment until the girl jumped off the counter.

"Oh! Where are my manners?" He rushed over and grabbed her hand before pulling her over to me. "Ida, this is Melanie! She's been helping me navigate this place to find you guys. And Mel, this is Idalia! My best friend." He smiled proudly, and I offered my hand to Melanie so she could shake it.

"I've heard a thing or two about you from your friend here, princess." She smiled as she spoke, pulling her hand away from mine. Azu nudged her, and she shrugged and held her hands up. "All good things, don't worry."

"And I'm afraid I've heard nothing about you," I chuckled as I folded my arms, and she did too. "How did you wind up running into Azu?"

"Oh, well, he stumbled upon my room, and then stole my necklace, and then I found him and was prepared to kill him. He put up quite the fight, then locked himself into another room, and then after I found out who he really was we were like, cool."

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