Chapter 49: Hard to Tell | Pt 2

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"Good morning, Link!" Riju chirped as she and Merona walked by my room, and she peeked in to see me sat on my bed polishing my shield. I glanced up and smiled with a wave, and then I saw Edrys and Ani run down the walkway behind them, giggling and chasing each other. "Girls, wait for us!"

"I'm surprised we haven't seen you out of your room today. You're usually an early bird." Merona leaned over her wife's shoulder, and I shrugged and set my shield down.

"I've been pretty worn out from all the battling this week. I might rest a bit when I'm done polishing all of my stuff." I looked at the other couple weapons set out on my bed waiting to be worked on, and I let a small yawn escape my mouth.

"Alright, well, I just wanted to let you know that the kids were making brunch and wanted you to join us." She told me, and my ears perked up. "If you want to rest I'd hate to stop you."

"No no! Tell them I'll be down in a few minutes." I told her, and she nodded and left with Merona. I set my shield down and looked over the weapons; the feeling of hunger returned to me when I was reminded of eating, and I knew I needed to go down.

Even if the thought of seeing my daughter before I was ready to tell her pained me.

I left my room and walked outside, down the wallway and then down the stairs to reach the outside camping area they had set up last night.

Everyone was here, sat around a big wooden table brought outside from the barracks. Sidon brought Mipha, Muzu and Zari, Yunobo had Daruk, Fintin and Blaze with him, and Riju had Urbosa, Merona and Edrys. Teba brought his whole family; Saki, Tulin, Ray, Ani, Harth and Amalia.

"Dad!" Idalia spotted me as I walked over to the campsite, and she rushed over to hug me. "There you are! We're making one of your favorites for brunch! Your spot is over by Urbosa and Mipha." She pointed between the pair, and I nodded and strolled over to it.

"Oh, Link! You're awake!" Mipha smiled as I sat down in my chair, and Sidon waved to me too. "How did you sleep?"

"Could've been better. I guess I've been still all riled up since the battle at Fort Hateno." I shrugged, and Mipha nodded in agreement, but Urbosa looked more concerned when I met her eyes; though she didn't add anything, and just sipped at her water.

"Azu! Give me some fire!" Ellet used a large fork to lift up a piece of fish to Azu, and the sheikah shot a blast of fire from his fist to heat it up.

"This too!" Idalia tossed some fruits from a large bowl into the air, and Azu used his other fist to shoot fire at them, and they fell back into her bowl now baked. "Alright, I'm going to cut these now, and then I'll just need the special seasoning!"

"On it!" Azu held his hand out, and Ellet gave him the chunk of rock salt that was sitting beside his cutlery. Azu grabbed it and began grating it against the board in front of him. He dumped it into a bowl and added slices of spicy peppers, and then he formed water to add to the mix.

Ellet threw in Hyrule Herb leaves, and then Azu began controlling the water to mix everything together. Once it was mixed, he poured it into a strainer and used fire to dry the soggy mix. Then it was poured into another bowl, and Idalia began taking spoonfuls to sprinkle on her fruit.

Ellet laid out the fish he cooked, and Azu put hot butter on top. Idalia put pieces of the cut fruit on each piece. Plate by plate, the food was passed to all of us, before finally, the three of them sat down with their own food.

"This fish is delicious, kids!" Teba exclaimed with his beak full of it. "I didn't think fruit would go so good with it, but I was so wrong!"

"Agreed!" Daruk concured before taking another large bite of his. I began to eat mine, but I was spaced out as I chewed it. It was delicious, I had to admit, but I was too focused on my thoughts to acknowledge the flavor. But Idalia spoke up.

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