Chapter 6: Leaving for the Oasis

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"Alright, that should be everything you need." My father said as I zipped up my last bag, and then I got up off the bed and hugged him. "You'll have fun on your trip, I know you will." He squeezed me and kissed my head, and then my mother extended her arms out for me and I hugged her too.

"I'm sorry we couldn't come with you this time, my little butterfly, but we've got things to do." She pulled away and kissed my cheek, and my father placed his hands on both of our shoulders before wrapping them around us and pulling us into a hug and we all laughed a bit.

"Your highnesses." My parents turned to the doorway to see their advisor standing there with a suitcase, and they pulled slightly away from me. "The horses and carriage are ready. We should be leaving now." My mother and father nodded before hugging me tight one more time before they grabbed their last bags and led me outside with them.

"And there we go!" My father heaved his bag into the carriage along with my mother's, and then once she hugged me one last time, he helped her onto her horse. "Alright, Dalia," He hugged me again one last time. "We'll miss you. Have fun on your trip, kiddo!" He got saddled up onto his horse, and as the group left, they did too.

"Bye Idalia!" My mother and father called as they left, and I waved and called out to them. "We'll see you when you get home!"

"Bye mom! Bye dad! I'll miss you!" I waved, and soon enough they were far down the hill and reaching the gates. One of the handmaids called for me to finish my own packing, and I went upstairs to do so for my trip.


"That should be the last of my things, thank you." I smiled as the sailors helped to load my things onto the boat and into my room, and they smiled and nodded as the last chest and bag went in. I glanced out towards the Dueling Peaks Mountains, thinking my parent's would be hitting that area fairly soon.

"Are we ready to go, princess?" The captain asked, and as I was about to answer, I heard a loud yell.

"IDALIA!" I turned around and saw Oliver running to me, and I smiled and ran towards him.

"Ollie!" I hugged him tight for a moment before pulling away and kissing his cheek. "I didn't think I would see you again until I got home." I was beaming, but he didn't seem too excited to see me. "Is everything alright?"

"Well," He looked up at the ship, releasing a sigh. "Idalia, can we... talk for a moment?" I looked back at the captain, who gave me a thumbs up and walked back to talk with the sailors.

"Sure, what's-" He pulled me off to the side, and I started to panic a bit. He never acts like this. "What's going on, Oliver?"

"Idalia, I've been... thinking about our conversation a few days ago, about the future and all that." He was holding my hand, but I raised an eyebrow, urging for him to go on. "I think... I think we're on different paths, Ali."

"Different paths?" I tilted my head, recalling everything we had said at our picnic date. "Well, we want a few different things, but we're both heading to become the leaders of Hyrule. We're on the same path."

"That's the problem. Even if we're on the same path, one of us will suffer. We'd become the rulers together, yes, but everything else like getting married, traveling and having children, it's hard to compromise for those things."

"Then we'll work it out and go through this together!" I held his hand tighter, but I could feel him pulling away. "I love you, Oliver. If you want to get married early, we will. And I'm okay with just having one heir!"

"I love you too, Idalia," He sighed, placing his free hand on my cheek. "And that's why I'm doing this. Because I don't want you to change your plans to make me happy." My smile left my lips, and he forced one for me. "And even if our plans were the same, I worry about you too much. You want to be out there fighting and training to be a warrior like your father, while I'd rather you stay safe and live a simpler life."

"I'd lead a simpler life for you, Ollie. I promise. I won't fight anymore if it's what you want." He lost his smile, and then he gave my hand one final squeeze.

"I'm sorry, Ali." He kissed my cheek. "I need you to be happy. You won't be if you spend your life trying to satisfy my wants." He pulled his hands away and turned away. "Goodbye, Idalia. Perhaps we'll meet again someday." He began to walk to the castle but I dashed after him and hugged him.

"Goodbye, Oliver." I let him go as he continued to walk once I pulled away, and I had to wipe the few tears that rolled down my cheeks, and I then walked back to the boat and stepped up to it. "I'm ready to go, captain."

"Alright! Let's get this ship out to sea, boys!" I looked down the river we'd be crossing to get into the Lanayru Sea, and I let out a sigh. I didn't think I'd see Oliver until I got back, and now I know I won't see him at all after this.

I was about to go to my room, not being able to wrap my head around that I was just broken up with, but suddenly the ship started rumbling, and then I heard a loud noise accompanied by a shake large enough to nearly knock me to the ground.

"Uh, boss?" One of the sailors popped his head out from the hole leading to the bottom part of the boat. "Somethin's wrong with the engine!" The captain hurried down to check and see what was going on, and I just waited a moment.

"Unfortunately we won't be goin' anywhere today," He said as he walked back up to the deck. "The engine's busted. We'll get her back up an' runnin' hopefully tomorrow, but there's no chance o' goin' anywhere today." He looked over at me. "Sorry, your highness."

"It's alright." The handmaids walked me back down off the boat, taking one of my bags with me. "Just let me know when we'll be leaving again." Suddenly, some young Rito flew down and nearly ran into me, having to stop quickly on the ground.

"P-Princess! I have a letter for you!" He handed me a scroll, which once I opened, read 'Meet at Kakariko tonight -Azu'

"He'd better plan on making this quick." I huffed as I decided to go upstairs and get ready to leave for Kakariko so I could see what he wanted.


This might actually be my first time ever writing a break up I'm just realizing this

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