Chapter 47

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Freya's POV

After Gersemi and Peter left on their walk I went out to the kitchen and put the kettle on. I need tea to help calm me down as after everything Semi had said. I put my hands on to my stomach and sighed softly. "Oh my little baby, you are gonna have quite a life aren't you," I said and smiled at my stomach.

The kettle screamed at me and I poured the boiling water into my mug. I grabbed my mug and went outside to sit down on the porch, just to admire the view. New Asgard had changed a lot over Semi's life. Before it was a bunch of small fishing boats and random buildings splattered around the town. Now it has huge lovely houses and pops of colour everywhere. Children of many species were running around playing together and having the time.of their lives.

After what Semi had said I couldn't stop thinking about that night of the time heist. It just wasn't fair what happened to Natasha and Semi took it really hard. I hadn't told anyone except Steve, Nat and Semi that I had asked them to be godparents to Semi. I would have asked Mrs Stone but as she was like a grandmother to Semi anyway.

Semi adored Nat and I understood why because I loved Nat like a sister and Steve was such a kind soul. I missed them both like crazy and wished they were still with us. Oh mother, I hope you'll get to meet Natasha and Tony up there. Natasha was like a sister to me and Tony, well Tony's was a hot head but a fabulous one. And Steve, I suspect he'll be joining you one-day soon. I thought and let a single tear fall down my face.

"Hey Freya, everything okay?" Valkyrie asked as she walked past the house. Thor had given her the title of King which was pretty cool. She did an awesome job at being the King of Asgard and everyone seemed to like her.

Besides her stood well, Thor but not Thor. I moved to get a closer look and smiled softly when I saw it was Jane.

"Embracing the thunder I see," I said to Jane and she smiled at me. I had never been super friendly with Jane but I had no reason to be rude. We were merely acquainteces. "Yeah Valkyrie, everything alright. Just an emotional morning," I said and she nodded softly.

"I've heard rumours that you're pregnant," Valkyrie said and I nodded softly with a small smile.

"Yeah, a little boy," I said and sniffled softly. Valkyrie come up to me and sat next to me on my porch swing, Jane close beind her.

"What's up?" Valkyrie asked and handed me a tissue from him her back pocket. I smiled, accepted the tissue and wiped my eyes slowly.

"Gersemi said a few things that were, emotional." I said and continued to explain everything that Semi had said and they both nodded softly, showing they understood. I said everything and cried softly as I spoke, but neither of them sad anything to me as I spoke. "I just miss Natasha and Tony so much, and I can't imagine how much pain Peter is in because of loosing Tony, who was basically his father figure." I said and wiped my eyes on my sleeve. "It's really hard," I said softly and the girls nodded.

"It's alright Freya, just talk to Peter about how you feel, he probably feels the same," Valkyrie said and they both stood up to leave. "Sorry, we've got to go help the children train," She said and I nodded softly.

"It's okay, thank you for listening to me," I said and they nodded yet again and then left me alone once again. I used magic to clean up my face and waved as Peter and Semi came back not long later. "Hey guys," I said and picked Semi up, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "How was your walk?" I asked and Semi started talking about all the things they saw and what they did.

"We even got ice cream mumma," Semi said and I faked a big gasp, gently placing Semi on the ground.

"What, really? You lucky ducky," I said and smiled at her as she danced around the frontyard. Semi giggled softly and ran inside.

"We brought you a cupcake," Peter said and started walking inside the house and I followed him. He handed me a green iced cupcake and I smiled softly. "I hope you like it," He said and I smiled but said nothing. "Is everything okay?" Peter asked and I looked at him, I hugged him tight and cried softly into his shirt as we stood in the foyer.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry you have to feel like this. You are being so strong for me and Semi but we aren't being strong for you." I said and he sniffled softly. I felt tears hitting the back of my shirt. "Thank you for being there for me but I need you to know that I'm here for you if you need me," I said and looked into Peter's eyes. He sniffled and I kissed his forehead.

"I miss him so much," Peter said and I saw the tears running down his face. "So so much," He added and hid his face in my shoulder, crying. I gently guided him towards the lounge and we sat down. Peter sat next to me, resting his head on my shoulder and I put my arms around him.

I listened to his tears and his words until he had calmed down enough for me to go make him some tea. I handed Peter his drink and he looked at me. "Thank you," He said and I kissed his cheek. "He was like my..." He said but couldn't finish his sentence but I knew what he meant.

"I know, I'm so sorry this has happened to you," I said and kissed his cheek again.

"To us Fay, to us," He said and sniffled softly. I smiled and was about to kiss him but Semi walked into the room with a wide smile but it disappeared when she saw Peter crying.

"Dadda, why are you crying?" Semi asked, climing next to him onto his lap and hugging him.

"I just miss uh...Tony?" Peter said and I nodded softly at him.

"Uncle Tony?" Semi asked and Peter nodded softly. Semi smiled sadly and rested her head on Peter's chest. "Uncle Tony is in you heart. He love you," Semi said softly and Peter smiled happily. "Right dadda?" Semi asked and Peter nodded.

"You are right my dear Spider," Peter said and I smiled. Both Semi and I snuggled against Peter, letting our emotions connect with each other and allow everything to run over us like warm water. 

Published: 3.5.23

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