Chapter 14

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Freya's POV

We all walked to the main hall and Thor sat down on his chair/throne. We stood around him and I wondered where we would go next. We started flying to Earth as Thor believed that would be a good place. I agreed with him because I loved earth for so many reasons. As we started flying a big black ship flew into our way and we were fired at.

We tried and tried to get someone, anyone, nearby to help us. One of our warriors ran over to the comms and managed to figure out how to work it. "The engines are dead, life support failing." He said and he sounded very distressed for good reason. "Requesting aid from any vessel within range." He said and I hoped someone would hear us. "We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families!" He yelled and looked back at us. We had no chance of escaping whatever fate was coming to us but we were going to try. "We have very few warriors left! This is not a warcraft. I repeat this is not a warcraft!" He yelled.

Our ships defences were holding up but they wouldn't for much longer. Pretty quickly we were boarded by these people and we tried to fight but we never stood much of a chance. This squid looking creature came over to us and was saying things that made no sense. I hated it. "Hear me and rejoice," this creature said and stepped over the bodies of dying Asgardians. "You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan." He said and continued to step over dead bodies. I knew what was happening and I wanted to cry.

"The Great Titan can't be that great if he's got you doing his dirty work." I snarled and managed to stand up. In our fight with these creatures I had gotten badly injured and was struggling to stand but my anger was forcing me to fight. This squid creature glared at me and I tried to remember its name but nothing came to my mind.

"You may think this is suffering..." He began his stupid speech again. It sounded so rehearsed and I hated it so much. How many times has he done this for it to sound so perfectly said?

"If this isn't suffering then what is?" I yelled and knelt on the floor. "You've just murdered nearly every Asgardian on here. Why?" I yelled and summoned a dagger in my hand. I was ready to kill whoever I needed to. The squid creature glared at me then continued to walk around the room.

When he circled my dad I hid my dagger better. The squid creature looked at me as if to say 'I'd be careful if I was you' so I did. I chucked the dagger to the floor so it was just out of my reach. My dad turned to me then turned back to the creature I now knew was the Great Titan. My dad looked terrified and I knew my dad had met this Titan before. Nobody knew that I had met Thanos before and clearly nobody knew that my dad had met Thanos too. "Dad?" I asked quietly and he shook his head to tell me to be quiet.

"I know what it's like to lose." The Titan said and I glared at him.

"No you don't," I said and glared at him and finally stood up fully as my wounds were healing slowly. "You kill and kill and kill then expect us to be happy about it," I said and my dad looked at me begging me to shut up. "If you know what it's like to lose people, why are you removing people from others lives?" I asked and groaned softly.

"I'm bringing balance to the universe." He growled and picked up my uncle from the floor. Thanos picked Thor up via his chest plate of armour and carried him closer to us. "Dread it, run from it...Destiny arrives all the same and now it's here. Or should I say...I am" I watched him walk as he spoke about our destinies. He held up his hand that had a big metal glove that had a purple rock on it.

Thanos grabbed Thor's head and held it in a crushing grip. "You talk too much." My uncle said, That annoyed the titan and after more talking the titan pressed the stone onto Thor's head. Thanos had made a deal with my father. The tesseract or Thor's head. I looked away from what was happening but my father kept looking at it. My father produced the Tesseract and Thor growled. "You really are the worst brother!" Thor snarled but Loki had an Idea. I saw it on his face.

"I assure you brother, The sun will shine on us again." My dad said as he approached the titan with the tesseract. Thanos and my father talked for a second, "For one thing, I'm not Asgardian. For another...We have a hulk." My father said and the hulk came and bulldozed the titan over. My father dove to move Thor out of the way and I just stepped aside. We all hoped the hulk would save us but sadly it didn't work and Hulk was knocked out.

I ran over to hulk and tried to wake him up but I never got to him. The Hulk was lifted up by the Bifrost and it took him away. I looked over at Heimdall and we all knew what was about to happen. "Heimdall," I said and watched as Thanos went over to Heimdall and just stabbed him. He had a tough face on but he died and I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

Thanos then stole the tesseract of my father and smashed it into millions of pieces just like Hela had done to Thor's hammer. Now they had both lost their favourite object. Thanos put the stone on his glove and got used to the power that flowed through him.

My father then stepped forward offering his loyalty to the titan. "I, Loki, Prince of Asgard, Odinson..." My father said and looked at Thor who was currently trapped in metal. "The rightful king of the Jotunheimen, god of mischief, do hereby pledge to undying fidelity." He then brought a dagger to the titan's neck. It didn't work and the titan stopped the dagger before it even touched him.

"undying?" The titan asked then picked my father up by his neck. The titan squeezed until my father's body went limp and purple. He reached his hands to his neck to try and get Thanos hand off of him.

Just before he died my father said, "You will never be a god." Then his whole body went limp and he didn't move again when the titan cracked my father's neck.

"THAT WAS MY FATHER YOU..." I screamed and flung dagger after dagger at him. None of them hit him and I only stopped when I could no longer stand. I dropped to my knees and sobbed. "You killed my dad," I said and sniffled softly. The titan came up to me and smirked softly.

"Bring her, She won't escape again." He said and I tried to stab him again but he stopped me. "Not wise," He said and flung me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed and tried to stab him but nothing worked. I was taken to his ship and I watched as the ship with all of the Asgardians exploded. I watched the bodies float through the air around bits of debris. I watched and cried.

Published 15.12.2021

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