Chapter 42

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2407 words in this chapter. Even more than the last chapter

Freya's POV

A few months had passed since Peter had come back and I had a really bad feeling that we had messed up again. For the last few months, I had not experienced the normal loss of magic feeling that I should have felt. Ever since having Gersemi sometimes my body would skip a month every now and then but this had been at least two months. I was getting worried and decided to go to Stephen about it. The last few days I had felt very ill and I couldn't do much because my whole body ached.

"Semi! Peter!" I yelled as I finished making breakfast. Nobody came and I sighed, knowing what I had to say to get them to come to eat. "FOOD!" I yelled and soon heard two sets of running footsteps. I shook my head and smiled softly.

Peter and Freya sat down and I handed them their food. Peter got up and got us each a cup of juice. Once they were both seated I decided to tell them what was happening today. "Okay, guys. I'm going to go visit Stephen today. I need you two to stay here and behave," I said and sat down to eat my breakfast too.

"Can I come with you to see Uncle Stephen?" Gersemi asked and shoved half a pancake in her mouth. I smiled at how she said his name like it was 'stef can'.

"Sorry Semi, I have to see him by myself today. Maybe next week." I said and she looked really sad about it. "But you're very lucky, you get to spend the day with Dadda," I said and Semi looked at Peter and smiled, showing him the pancake and syrup mix that was in her mouth.

Peter smiled, showing Semi what was in his mouth and I chuckled softly. "Gross," I said and sighed as Peter closed his mouth and finished his mouthful. Gersemi nearly choked from how much she was laughing.

"We'll have lots of fun today," Peter said and ruffled Semi's hair. We all finished eating and I went to get a few things that I would need for my day out. Peter came into the room and stood in the doorway. "Why are you going to see Stephen?" He asked and I smiled at him.

"I just have a question for him and I want to see him," I said and Peter didn't look fully convinced. "Look, everything is fine okay," I said and he looked at me like he was unsure. "Peter? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked and pulled my jumper on.

"I'm not...How do know, parent?" He asked and moved to sit on the bed. I sighed quietly glad that he wasn't pressing the Stephen matter.

"Peter," I said and giggled softly at his question. "All you have to do is have fun with her, keep her safe, keep her entertained and make sure you feed her lunch," I said and smiled at him. Peter nodded and looked at me. "She can have one item from the treat box if she's good while I'm gone," I said referring to the box in the cupboard that had lollies and chocolates in it.

Peter looked at me and nodded. I kissed his cheek and got up to leave. As I left the room I looked back at Peter and said, "You can have something too," I said with a smirk and Peter chuckled. He followed me out to the front door and I said goodbye to Semi. I left and, after deciding I could use some time to myself and shouldn't just teleport, I started the journey to the city.

Time Jump

I arrived at the Sanctum Sanctorum and knocked on the door. The door opened and Stephen walked down the steps. "Hey," I called out and went inside, the door closing behind me. "It's been a while," I said and Stephen joined me on the bottom floor.

"It has been too long," He said and I smiled softly. "You told me you had something to ask of me?" He said and I nodded. I had sent him a text about a week ago asking if I could show up today. "What can I help you with?" He asked and lead me to a nice sitting room.

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