Chapter 40

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Gersemi's POV

I woke up and climbed out of bed, grabbed Pete, and hurried to my mum's room. I pushed open the door and saw her sleeping with my dad. My dad looked very peaceful while my mum looked almost...uncomfortable. Like she was having a nightmare or something.

I climbed onto the bed and snuggled into the tiny gap between them. I pulled the blanket over us and curled my arms underneath myself, hugging Pete, as I leaned on my mum.

I would have fallen asleep again if my dad didn't wake up and gasp as he saw me. I giggled softly and put my finger to my lips. My dad looked at my mum and copied my action. I clambered closer to him and snuggled against him. I could tell from his eyes that he had been crying last night so I wrapped my arms around him. My dad slowly hugged me back, almost unsure of what to do.

"Morning dadda," I whispered and smiled at him. He smiled back and gave me a little squeeze.

"Are you hungry?" My dad asked and I nodded softly. "Let's make some breakfast," he added and he carefully climbed from the bed so he wouldn't wake up my mum. I stood up on the bed and put my arms out, wanting my dad to carry me. He looked unsure at first but he picked me up and held me on his hip.

We walked towards the kitchen and I gripped my dad's arm as we walked. His hold on me was surprisingly tight and secure. He held me protectively and like I was going to break at any moment. He held me like someone would try and snatch me away from him. He held me just like my mum did.

My dad placed me on a chair and looked like he was going to start cooking breakfast but he didn't. He didn't know where anything was. "What you looking for dadda?" I asked and he did a little spin to face me.

"Uhh, everything," he said softly with a little chuckle and a weird awkward hand movement to gesture to the kitchen. "What should we make?" He asked me and I smiled knowing exactly what I wanted.

"PANCAKES!" I yelled then realised I could have just woken up my mum. "Pancakes!" I said again in a loud whisper. My dad smiled and again tried to start cooking but he had no idea where to find anything. I hopped out of my chair and helped him find the stuff we needed.

My dad told me what he needed and I pointed to which cupboard or drawer it would be in. Slowly together we got the pancakes made and ready to eat. We, obviously, made a huge mess that was evidence of our fun. "Let's go take these to frey...your mumma," My dad said and I nodded, hopped off my seat and hurried after him.

We went into my mum's room and found her wrapped up in the blanket in a ball right in the middle of the bed. The pillow under her head looked wet and her eyes were slightly red.

I was about to climb onto the bed to see if she was okay when my dad put the plate down and clambered into the bed. He picked her up gently and placed her in his lap on the bed. He put an arm around her and stroked her hair lightly. My mum woke up, obviously, and when she saw my dad was holding her she just went limp and let him cradle her.

"What happened?" My dad asked my mum and she just snuggled further into his chest and my dad tightened his grip on my mum. Something about that moment told me to leave. I didn't want to leave my mummy but something inside me told me that I should go, so I did.

I went right to my room and got the surprise I had for my daddy. I found bits of paper and tried to wrap the gift by myself. It didn't go very well but I just kept trying to make it look nice.

Freya's POV

Peter held me just like he used to and it was oddly comforting to me. Something inside me seemed content with Peter holding me again but something else inside me felt weird. It felt almost...normal.

"Freya..." Peter said, clearly just going to say his thoughts but he thought better on that. Honestly, I agreed with him. I didn't have anything to say and I didn't want to hear anything either. I just wanted to stay in his arms and be safe.

"Dadda! I've got a surprise for you!" Gersemi yelled and I heard her fast footsteps coming towards us. I sat up and moved so I was no longer on Peter's lap. He smiled at me and I smiled back, tucked my hair behind my ears and wiping my eyes. Gersemi burst into the room and leapt onto the bed, holding a little, badly wrapped gift. Neither Peter or I knew what it was. "I made it for you," Gersemi said and held it out to Peter.

Peter took it and took the wrapping paper off which looked to just be A4 pieces of paper stuck together and coloured on. "Wow," Peter said when he finally got a look at what Gersemi had made.

She had made a photo frame from cardboard and decorated it with drawings. Inside the photo frame was a copy of her first ever picture. I had a photo taken with me holding Gersemi and all the Avengers around me smiling with a sad happiness. Gersemi had gotten a copy of that picture and used the photos I had given her to make a heartwarming and tear creating gift. Gersemi cut out and stuck the faces of Peter, My father and all the missing Avengers to the photo in places they could have been.

I teared up and Peter smiled sadly. "Thank you so much little bear," He said and I smiled at his sudden but cute nickname for her.

"I love you dadda," Gersemi said, hugged Peter then hugged me, "I love you mumma," She said and then ran off to her room. I looked at Peter to see him smiling softly and looking at the picture.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," Peter said and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I have a daughter," He said looking at me awkwardly.

"Yes you do." I responded and took one of his hands in mine. "And she loves you," I said and kissed his cheek. "We both do," I added and rested my head back on his shoulder. Peter sniffled and kissed the top of my head. We silently cried together. 

Published: 21.4.23

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