Chapter 16

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Freya's POV

It had been a few hours and I was still stuck on Thanos's spaceship but something was different. Thanos was taking me on a mission with him. Someone different came and got me but I was expecting Nebula. "Thanos is ready for you to join us. Follow me," She said and opened the cell. I followed her around the ship and we arrived at the sort of throne room that Thanos had.

Thanos was sitting on his chair and glared at me but I was more interested in what was on his hand. He had his metal glove on his hand but it had a lot of stone in it. There was two left as far as I could tell. "Are you ready?" He asked and I shrugged in response. What am I met to be ready for? I don't know what's happening! I yelled in my head so that nobody would try and kill me for yelling. Thanos got off his throne and walked over to me, opened a portal and pushed me through.

We were on a strange planet that I had learnt about at school on Asgard but I had never been too. Everything was dusty and destroyed. The recent debris of a spaceship was not far from where we landed.

We looked around the planet and I heard the familiar voice of a sorcerer. I looked to see Dr Stephen Strange sitting on a rock and looking down at us. "You're much more of a Thanos," He said, not even making an attempt to notice me. Thanos and Stephen attached a few words about Thanos plan which was a dumb idea on Thanos's part. I didn't hear much of it as I was too busy looking around the area.

Something felt off to me. Like someone was hiding from us and as scared as I was to anger Thanos I did not tell him. I kept looking around and saw a quick flash of red and blue metal. I thought maybe it was Tony Stark but he doesn't use blue. He uses red and gold. I nearly yelled out in happiness when I realised who it could be. PETER?! I screamed in my head and stopped myself from running over to where he was.

I looked back to Stephen and he had two magic glowing gold shields in front of him. I groaned knowing another fight would happen and I would have to defend Thanos otherwise my baby and I would be hurt later.

Out of nowhere this bit of debris started coming towards us from above. I dove out of the way to see Tony flying above where I had just been. Thanos broke free from under neither the bit of debris and started fighting. Tony, Dr Strange and three people I didn't know very well started fighting Thanos.

I started defending Thanos as best I could but as my friends didn't want to hurt me, Tony and Stephen were often trying to defend me from the free unknown people as they didn't know I was good. To be honest, their plan was great and I thought it was going to work. Even Peter was a part of it but he was too busy doing his part of the plan to notice me standing not far from Thanos.

"Magic!" Peter said as he appeared throughout one of Stephens portals. He was gone as quick as he had appeared. He appeared again from another portal going "More magic," Then disappearing again. "Magic with a kick," He said as he appeared, kicked Thanos then disappeared again. I was chuckling now but I stopped instantly when Thanos managed to grab Peter as he appeared again. "Magic with a..." Peter said but Thanos grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the ground.

I started running over to them to help Peter but Thanos said "Insect" then chucked my poor Peter like he was a rag doll. There was so much fighting going on that I had no idea what to do and ended up protecting myself from the stray bits of debris that came near me.

Just to cause more chaos, Nebula arrived and looked really angry at Thanos. "You should've killed me," she said and joined the fight. I used my magic to throw stuff at Thanos and I threw a few daggers at him as well. I wanted my revenge on him for keeping me locked up for so long and for threatening me and my unborn child.

Eventually, everyone got him pinned and a girl with antennas was sitting on his shoulders keeping him dormant. I growled at him and helped hold his ungloved hand. The man called Quill started talking to Thanos and found out that his girlfriend was dead because of Thanos. Tony and I yelled at Quill to shut up and stop talking to Thanos but he didn't listen.

Everyone was flung back and I was slammed right into a massive bit of rock and I swear something cracked. We all got up and tried to fight but nothing we were doing was successful. Thanos broke a moon and brought it down upon us all. A tiny part of me wished a bit would hit me and kill me so I didn't have to fight anyone anymore.

After a long epic fight, Tony ended up stabbed with his own blade and Stephen was cornered. Stephen opened a special pocket and revealed the time stone. He slowly handed it over to Thanos who took it gratefully and seemed to forget about me.

Peter crawled over to me from where he was and I could tell from his expression that he was worried about me and the baby. I smiled weakly and he made the helmet of his new metal suit disappear. I kissed him without worrying about the cut on his lip. We were both bleeding rather badly but neither of us cared that much.

I watched the man who had kept me as a slave and had destroyed so much just walk through his portal to god knows where. I felt angry but it wasn't all directed at Thanos. I was very angry at Stephen. "What the hell Stephen," I said and stormed over to him with daggers wanting to form. "Why on Asgard did you do that?" I yelled at him and walked over to where he was sitting. He held up his finger in a shaking sign for one. I scoffed and turned to walk away but just before I left I slapped him. I smacked his perfect cheekbone and a mark was already forming.

"Freya, it was the only way," Tony said and I laughed angrily. I scoffed softly and rolled my eyes. I felt angry and all I wanted to do was beat someone's ass.

"I don't care if that was the only way I am allowed to be angry about it," I said through gritted teeth and walked over to him. Tony sat there and I glared down at him as he went to protest. "You want a slap too?" I asked and he shook his head. "Figured that much." I scoffed and sat down somewhere away from them all. I could hear them talking about what to do and where Thanos went but I didn't care. Not until I heard them gasping softly.

I looked to see them turning into ashes. Drax dusted away, then Mantis, then Stephen. "Stephen?" I asked and watched him dust away and the ashes blew around where he once sat. "Quill?" I said and saw his arm turning into the dust too. "Quill, no. Stay here." I said and watched him disappear.

"Aww you're kidding me..." He said as he turned into dust completely and was gone. I jumped to the ground and inspected the ashes that were left behind. It was just ash and dirt. Nothing that signified that this pile of ash was once a human.

"Freya, Mr Stark, I... I don't feel so good." Peter said and I looked at him. I gasped and ran over to him. He hugged me and I tried to keep him with me.

We fell to the floor and I knelt next to him and Tony did the same. We both had a look of horror on our face as more of Peter became ash. "I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go." He said and I could see the tear falling down his face. Peter put a hand to my stomach and said: "Goodbye baby, I love you." He kept his hand on my stomach but it disappeared and I missed the feeling of his hand on me. I cried and watched him almost entirely disappear.

"Peter, look at me," I said and he turned to look at me. I held his face and smiled softly, "We love you." I said and kissed him. He smiled and kept looking into my eyes lovingly.

He opened his mouth to speak but only got "I Lo..." out before he dusted away. I felt my hands go through his once existing cheeks. I closed my eyes and tried to stop the tears from falling down my face. I felt Tony put his hand on my back so I leant into him and cried softly. Tony's tears hit my back as I moved my head onto his chest. He tried to comfort me by running his hand along my hair and back.

"We need to go," Said Nebula after a few minutes of neither me or Tony moving or speaking. Tony nodded and we started walking to The Milano. Nebula started up the ship and we flew up and started to cruise space but that didn't last very long.

Published: 21.1.2022

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