Chapter 17

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Freya's POV

We arrived on Midgard, after being in space for 22 days, with the help of this new lady: Captain Marvel. Because I was the pregnant one, Nebula and Tony made sure I got more of the food even if my baby was really small and basically the size of a small orange.

I appreciated their caring but I didn't want them to suffer. As I was about 14 weeks into my pregnancy and you couldn't see much on a baby bump. It was just like a little bump on my stomach. I explained to Tony and Nebula what happened and everything about the baby even though Nebula knew most of it.

Today was our final day. Captain Marvel helped us land on the ground safely when the hatch opened so we could leave. Nebula helped Tony walk down the ship's ramp and onto familiar ground. I walked behind them to see Steve sprinting over to Tony and helping him, Nebula nodding at Rocket. I hoped to see Thor waiting for me but he wasn't there. I sighed and climbed off the ramp but felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I looked to see Natasha holding me in a warm hug. I saw Bruce smiling at me and Rhodey giving Tony a welcoming smile.

I wondered for a moment where everyone else was but that didn't stay long in my mind. "I lost the kid," Tony said and held onto Steve for support. Steve held onto Tony and I could see the pain in Steve's eyes.

"Tony, we lost..." Steve replied but then had to pass Tony over to Pepper who was waiting for Tony to hug her. Tony went to Pepper and Nat let me go slowly. I smiled weakly and we all began walking inside the building.

We went inside and went straight up to our rooms and went to bed. It had been a long day of horrible events and we needed sleep. I got changed and sat on my bed staring at the wall. I heard a knock and I turned to see Bruce poking his head around my door. "I found this." He said and he revealed my old teddy bear Fudge. I smiled but wanted to cry. "I kept him safe for you." He said and sat on my bed next to me.

"Thank you, Bruce," I said and held Fudge to my body feeling strangely happy to have him back in my possession. "Is Tasha Sigyn okay?" I asked him and he nodded softly.

"She's been staying in Rocket's room." He said and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Rocket seems to like your kitten." He added and rested his head on the top of mine. "You should get some rest. Tomorrow we are having a meeting to discuss what to do." He said with a heavy heart. I nodded and started to get more comfortable in my bed.

Bruce walked to the door and began to close it. "Good Night Freya," He said.

"Good night Bruce," I replied as he left me alone. I tucked myself under the blanket and tried to sleep. It felt wrong to sleep without Peter next to me. It felt wrong to sleep knowing Peter was gone. It felt wrong to sleep with my father gone from the world. It felt so wrong to sleep with a soon to be baby that would never know their father. I didn't know my father until I was nine and I always wondered who he was. I grew up alright though, besides what happened to my mum. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep as my body did need rest.

Time Jump

In the morning we all tried, but failed, to eat breakfast and were taken to a meeting room. A concerned Steve, a calm Nat, a serious Bruce, a frozen and sad looking Rocket, a pissed off Rhody, a determined-looking Thor and the mystery woman who we found out was named Carol were sitting around this table. Nebula and Tony began to tell the story of what happened while I stood leaning on the wall and looked to the floor. I didn't feel like talking so I didn't.

"Freya, are you alright?" Asked Rhody and I shook my head.

"Do I look alright?" I asked back at him without looking up from the floor. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. Not in front of them. "I'm done," I said. I went to walk out the door, but Steve stopped me.

"What do you mean Freya?" He asked and moved me further away from the door.

"Didn't you hear me?" I said and focused on the floor. "I'm done," I said again but nobody said anything. I took a few moments to read their minds to understand what they were thinking about me.

Nat: Poor kid.

Tony: Is that a racoon build-a-bear in the corner?

Bruce: Poor girl. I hope she's going to be okay. Steve needs to let her go to her room so she can calm down.

Steve: What does she mean 'I'm done'?

Thor: I want a bloody mary and Mjolnir back.🥺

Rhody: How are we going to solve this if she leaves?

Nebula: Freya needs to beat him up.

Rocket: I miss Groot.

Carol: We need to defeat Thanos so we could need her help. She can't leave yet.

I growled and let my anger out. "I'm done!" I yelled and glared at Steve. "I am done being a fucking Avenger," I yelled again and pushed Steve slightly making him take a step back. "I am not alright. I will not be alright for years!" I yelled and walked back towards the corner. "I lost my Father, again, and Peter in the same 24 hours," I explained and let the tears flow. "Even my own uncle is more worried about getting drunk than his own brother dying!" I screamed and glared at them all. "I'm done! Are you listening to me? I've lost everything!" I yelled with a burning passion. "I'M FUCKING DONE!" I screeched and ran from the room, phasing through Steve who was still standing in the doorway.

I ran to my room and crumbled to the floor letting tears stream down my face. I wanted to go home but my home was dead. Not only is Asgard destroyed, My father is dead, My uncle is an arsehole, my Midgard family is being rude and Peter has died.

Published: 1.2.2022

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