Chapter 43

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Freya's POV

"Gersemi! Uncle Thor's here!" I called out and smiled at Thor as he stepped inside.

"So today, I was thinking I'll take her for a walk in the town, she can show me her preschool and that'll give you time to talk with..." Thor said and I nodded, not wanting to go into detail in case a certain 5-year-old heard us.

"Uncle Thor!" Semi yelled as she ran and jumped at him. Even though the last five years had been very rocky for Thor I had still allowed Thor to interact with Gersemi as long as I was around. Now I trusted him more and Gersemi adored Thor so I knew they'd be okay without me today. Plus, if I was worried at any time I could just get Valkyrie to check on them.

"Hello Little Lightning" Thor said and Semi smiled at hearing her nickname. Thor called her his little lightning because it was impossible to predict where she would strike next and because she was always very bright.

"What are we doing today Uncle Thor?" Semi asked and Thor kept talking to her about his plans for the day. I went to her room to collect her bag and saw Peter walking from her room, bag in hand.

Peter handed the bag to me and I smiled. "Thanks," I said and he smiled at me. He turned to walk away but I stopped him. "Peter! Can we talk once Semi is gone? Please. It's really important." I said, trying not to sound to worried but also let Peter know that I really really needed to talk to him.

"Of course. Should we go for a walk on the hills?" He asked and I nodded, feeling desperate for some fresh air. "We should go say goodbye to Semi," He added and I nodded, following him to say goodbye to our daughter.

Time Jump

Peter and I had been walking for a while in silence until we reached the top of the hill. "Peter, can I tell you something that is going to change our lives forever?" I asked hoping he would understand what I was about to say.

"Of course, you can," Peter said and sat down, patting the grass next to him. I sat down and took a deep breath, noting the absence of hesitation in his words.

"Okay so...After our passionate night I've had a few...symptoms shall we say. I went to see Stephen because he could help me confirm some suspicions I've been having recently." I said and fiddled with my fingers. "I know this is a terrible time for this but, it's happening and we caused this..." I said and took a final deep breath. "I'm Pregnant," I blurted out and watched as emotions flooded Peter's face.

I watched the emotions battle for supremacy until he landed on his 'wtf' emotion. "What?" He asked and I noted happiness in his tone. For him it had been like three months since he found out he was gonna be a dad the first time and now i had just told him he would be for the second time.

"I'm pregnant Peter and you can't freak out because I'm already freaking out enough the both of us," I said and Peter snapped into calming me down mode. "I'm not ready for this, Peter. You only just got back and we're still getting to know each other again." I said and Peter put his hands on my shoulders. If he was saying anything I was not registering it. "I don't think I can bring another child into this insane world. Not now, not after everything that happened." I added and felt Peter wipe away a few tears from my cheeks. "I can't do this again," I said and sniffled as a panic attack started to overtake my mind.

"Freya...Freya calm down, it's okay," Peter said and I turned to face him, not really caring if he saw me crying because he had seen me looking much worst. "I know that face and we can't panic right now," Peter said and I nodded as Peter stroked my hair and tried to calm me down.

"What do we do?" I asked and tried to get the whirlwind to slow down before it got worse. "Do you even want another baby?" I asked and Peter smiled softly.

"I wouldn't mind having another child. I missed all of Gersemi's baby milestones," Peter said and he looked unsure about his words. "If we have another baby I don't want to miss theirs too," He said and I nodded knowing what he meant. "It's up to you Freya because it's your body and you'd be doing the hardest parts," He said and I nodded again, not knowing what to say. "Look, what's the worst that could happen?" He asked and I scoffed softly. If only you knew what was going on in my head. I thought and decided to list some things for him.

"Well, Gersemi could feel bad about it. Something could go wrong with the pregnacy. We could do something wrong or another horrible thing could happen or..." I said and watched as Peter gave me an encouraging looking, telling me to continue. "Or you could...dissapear again," I said and cried more at the memory of watching Peter turn to ash under my hands. .

Peter pulled me into a hug and he rested his head on my shoulder a bit awkwardky as I was taller than him. I snuggled down so Peter could hug me better. "It was just so hard Peter. Nearly everything she did reminded me of you," I said and tucked my hands between Peter and myself.

"Freya, I'm not going anywhere. I'm never leaving you guys ever! Your my family. Gersemi, you, and our new little baba are my family. My Aunt May too but she doesn't live with us," Peter said and I nodded and smiled softly.

"She could live with us of she wanted too," I said and Peter smiled softly. "um so...this is gonna be an upsetting question are you feeling about the whole..." I said and Peter sighed knowing what I meant.

"It's hard and I'm dreaming about him but the tears are easier to slow down now," Peter said and I kissed his forehead. "We both have...stories but we can give our children a happy life," Peter said and I nodded.

"I like that word. Children," I said and imagined Gersemi playing with Peter and me holding our newborn baby. Gersemi and Peter would be laughing and having the time of their life as I hold our sleeping baby, just loving the life we had.

Time Jump

Peter's POV

Freya and I sat on the grass, snuggled together for a few minutes before Freya started to get up. I was about to get up and go with her when I realised something. Freya turned and saw my face. "What have you realised?" She asked and I smiled softly because of how well she knew me, even after five years.

"That we'll have to tell Semi at some point," I said and watched Freya realise that too. "Yeah, 'oh shit'," I said and she sighed, falling back to sit on the ground with a worried but goofy grin on her face.

"Oh my norms, how are we going to tell Semi?" She asked and I smiled, stifling a laugh. I don't know why but I just felt like laughing and so I did. Freya looked at me as I started chuckling softly and she started giggling too. I had no idea why we were laughing but we were and soon our laughter was echoing through the hills. I'm sure the people in the town below could have heard us laughing. 

Published: 3.5.23

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