Chapter 15

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Freya's POV

I was thrown into a cell and told to wait for Nebula to come and talk to me. I sat silently on the floor and tried not to show any signs of weakness. I sniffled and cried, having no control over my emotions anymore. After only sitting in the cell for a few minutes Nebula came and saw me. I knew her from last time and I knew she was not happy with me. "What do you want?" I asked and she opened the cell.

"I'm here to take you to Thanos," She said and put her hand around my upper arm. She pulled me up and forced me to follow her out of the room. I tried to ask her questions and to pull my arm from her grasp but her robot hand was very strong.

"Let me go!" I screamed but she just kept pulling me along the dark hallways. I cried from fear, pain and despair. Oh Peter, I'm so sorry. I should have stayed on Midgard. I should have stayed with you. I thought and whimpered as I was dragged away and taken to the worst place ever.

Peter's POV
I waited in line to get on the bus and tried to figure out what to do next. I was on my way to visit my Aunt because of everything that was happening. I wanted to see her to talk to her about things that weren't absolutely crazy and insane.

We were crossing a bridge when the hairs on my arm stood up and I looked to see what had caused that. There was a spaceship and it was huge! I managed to escape the bus without anyone noticing and put on my suit. I then swung my way over to the spaceship to help people. What I wasn't expecting was to see Bruce, Mr Stark, and two wizards fighting this huge, almost ogre-like creature with a massive hammer and a lanky magic creature.

I grabbed the ogre-like creature's hammer before it could hit Mr Stark. "Hey man, I said to the creature then looked at Mr Stark. "What's up Mr Stark?" I said and Mr Stark filled me in on what was happening.

"That's the wizard, get on it!" Mr Stark told me as a man in a red clock flew past me. He was also laying on a chuck on concrete but I ignored that part and followed him. I followed the wizard all the way until I reached a spaceship that was currently flying through the atmosphere. I tried to hold on but couldn't stay on as I was struggling to breathe. I let go and was caught by a suit Mr Stark had made for me. It was awesome and it smelt like a new car.

Even though Mr Stark told me to go home and not worry about the spaceship, I still stayed and became a stowaway on the ship. Mr Stark might need me and this ship could have something to do with Freya. I need to find Freya, I thought and hid in a part of the spaceship. She has our baby growing inside her and if anyone harms them not even Mr Stark will stop me. I thought and managed to hide, now all I had to do was find Mr Stark and help him with whatever was happening on this ship.

I could hear Tony talking to someone so I made my way towards his voice. I saw him talking to a piece of clothing and he said "You're seriously one loyal piece of outerwear, aren't ya?" which made me giggle. He was true though. I recognised the cloak from the one the wizard was wearing. I did think it was odd that a cloak was levitating but it was also pretty cool.

"Yeah, speaking of loyalty..." I said and swung down to meet him. He glared at me and I slightly regretted letting him know I was on the space ship too. "I know what you're going to say..." I said and we started arguing about me being on the ship. Mr Stark didn't want to hear my excuses. Even though we were arguing we both knew that I was on this spaceship and I had to stay on the spaceship.

Freya's POV

I dared not speak out of turn. I dared not move unless I was told. I dared not speak or move at all. I felt that if I did anything, anything at all, that I would be punished. "You are a very disobedient child aren't you," Thanos said and I so badly wanted to say something sassy and rude back to him but I dared not test his patience anymore. "You are mine now and you are to do as I ask." He said and once again I remained silent and motionless. "You are to fight for me..." He said and I knew there was more, "...Or your baby will never see the light of day," He finished and I nodded, not wanting my future child to be stuck here forever.

I was only nine to ten weeks pregnant but I had a feeling I would be having my child in this hellhole. If I got stuck here I was going to do everything I could to get her to someone who could keep her safe and happy. "I'll fight for you but you need to leave my baby out of this. Please...when my baby is born just...let her live," I said and he nodded.

Someone grabbed my arm and started dragging me back to a cage. I had no energy to fight whoever it was and I think they were happy about that. Nobody wanted me to try and escape again. I had a feeling that I wouldn't be free from this building for a while which just made me want to vomit. The feeling of hopelessness and the remains of morning sickness was too much and I emptied my stomach onto the floor once again.  

It'll get better soon I promise.

Published: 30.12.2021

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