He repeated the same words again and again just like he had done numerous times now until she woke up or went back to sleep.

Whenever Ahana has a nightmare, he rushed to her and tried to calm her down and it was their mutual understanding that they won't mention it ever again.

This was their little secret.

Ahana woke up from the nightmare and he sighed in relief. He filled the glass that was on the nightstand with water and made her drink it.

Her eyes were looking dead like there was nothing alive inside her. She had bags under her eyes, her cheeks were hollow and her lips were cracked and he hated that look on her.

She was still in his arms as they sat there in silence but when he tried to stand up to go back to his room she held his shirt tightly. "You're not leaving, are you?"

Her voice was weak and gave away the vulnerability that she was still trying to hide. He shook his head and again sat there, with his back resting on the headboard and her head on his chest while he ran his hand through her hair.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She shook her head and he didn't bother her after that.

He sneaked out of her room after an hour as she fell asleep again.


Kabir was sitting in his cabin working on his laptop when his phone rang. He smiled when he saw the caller ID.

Badi Ma calling...

Mrs. Neela Jaisingh is his father's sister-in-law and Kabir's favourite person. She has always treated him like her own son and that's why he calls her Badi Ma.

"Kabir, can I ask you for a favour if you're not busy?" he heard his Badi Ma after he picked up the call.

"Yes, tell me."

"Ahana left early this morning so she didn't have her breakfast and neither did she have her lunch with her. I don't want her to eat from outside because she has been doing that for a few days now." Her voice had concern in it.

"Okay, so what can I do?"

"I want you to make something at the restaurant and give it to Ahana in her office."

"You want me to do food delivery?" he snickered.

"Stop joking Kabir! Will you do it?" she said in a fake stern voice.

"Of course, I'll do it. Anything for you."

"Okay, thank you, beta. I'll make your favourite dishes today."

"You don't need to bribe me, Badi Ma."

"Nonsense, it's my love for you. Now go! It would be her lunch break in an hour. Reach on time."

"Okay, I will."

He immediately got on with making something that Ahana liked after ending the call.


"Sneha, is your ma'am inside?" Kabir asked Sneha—Ahana's PA.

Ahana's office building was merely 5 minutes away from his restaurant so it didn't take him much time to reach there.

"Yes, Mr. Jaisingh. Ahana ma'am is inside her cabin but she's in a very bad mood."

"I'll handle that. Can you please send someone with two plates? I have her food here with me." He showed the bag in his hand to which she nodded and went away.

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