𝟓 / 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐦

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i was having a horrible day

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i was having a horrible day. not only did i fail my project because i had incompetent group members who flaked every time i ask them for help, the professor didn't believe me when i told him about it. he told me i should be responsible for the whole group since i was appointed as the group leader—which i did not agree to—by the rest of the group.

i rested my head on my arms in frustration, i really wish i could call yachi or yamaguchi but neither one of them were available since yachi was out of town with her family and yamaguchi was busy with being a teacher's assistant.

as if it were on cue, the last person i could think of to call to talk about what happened suddenly came by with two canned drinks in his hands.

"i heard about the project" tsukishima said, taking a seat next to me. he handed me my favorite drink and i immediately opened it then took a sip.

"how? i haven't even told yachi or yamaguchi" i said, putting down my can on the table.

"some seniors were laughing about it in the hallway" tsukishima said, opening his can.

i groaned. "what did they say?"

"they said—and i quote—'the pretty junior in my business management team is stupid enough to take on the work for us, i almost feel bad that she got blamed for turning in the task a week late'" tsukishima said, not forgetting to make the quoting gesture with his hands as he said 'and i quote'.

"those assholes" i said, lightly slamming the table with my fists. "what the hell am i going to do now?"

tsukishima suddenly pulled out his phone from his bag. he plugged in his earphones and gave one of the earphone buds to be. i turned up the volume, trying to hear the audio amidst the bustling sounds from the crowded cafeteria. i listened to the audio carefully and i could hear the exact same thing tsukishima just said to me, only this time it was said by the asshole senior.

"maybe with this the professor would believe you" tsukishima said.

out of reflex i gave him a side hug. "you just saved my life, thank you so much!"

"no need to hug me, dumbass. i just felt bad that you got screwed over by that senior" tsukishima said, laughing lightly. "only i get to do that"

"and we're back on schedule" i said, letting go of him. "hold on i just realised something"

"what is it this time?" tsukishima said before taking a sip of his drink.

"the only description the senior gave about me was 'pretty' and you immediately assumed that it was me" i said. "in conclusion, you think i'm pretty"

tsukishima suddenly choke back on his drink as i laughed until tears started to form in the corner of my eyes.

"keep in mind he also said 'business management' and 'junior'" tsukishima said, turning away to take another sip from his drink.

i continue laughing as i closed my eyes to wipe the tears that formed. as i opened my eyes i find my laughter dying down as i see the faintest tint of red forming on the tip of his ears.


i reported it to the professor and he immediately apologise profusely for not believing me. he called the asshole senior—and his other friends too—to his office and immediately failed them, making them have to stay another year. the professor allowed me to fix my grade by doing another project that was made to do personally, not with a group.

i thanked the professor and walked out of his office with a smile on my face. i stopped walking to take out my phone and opened the messenger app.

let's eat at the bbq place near campus, my treat :)


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