"You trained her well Bang."

"She is a fast learner, brother." Bang said to Bomb as they stood next to one another.

Do-S is gritting her teeth in anger as she felt a heeled boot down against the side of her face, Fubuki chuckles, "How does it feel? Being beaten by a Class-B hero trained by martial artists with Class-S skills? Impressive right?"

Do-S couldn't really see a way out of this at all except that if she followed orders, she could possibly make it out a alive, "O-okay, I surrender. Please let me work for you as well. I'll do anything lady Fubuki."

Fubuki didn't look convinced. "Hmm, you say that but I don't have a reason to believe anything that a monster says, now do I?" Fubuki slowly began to unwrap the hypnotic whip, "Say if I use this on you, you'll be able to obey every single word I say, right?"

Do-S gives out a shocked look which also had a small blush, "Wha! No wait a sec-"

Meanwhile Bomb and Bang were simply watching the scene unfold with blank and questionable expressions, "Take that! And that! This is nothing compared to the pain my boys and girls felt! This ones for Eyelashes! This one is for Mountain Ape! This one is for Lily!"

"Which one is Do-S again?" Bomb wondered.

"Hard to tell. It's frightening how much that fits her. I'm honestly glad that Spider-man isn't here to see this. He would probably be much more scared of Fubuki if he saw her like this."

Shortly after the…incident was over, Fubuki, Bomb, and Bang were inspecting the monsterized civilians, Fubuki says, "So that's why nobody else came up with Child Emperor's hostage search. They've all been monsterized."

"All of the young folks in your group came to their senses after being knocked out but these…"

Do-S giggled, "That's because I've been treating them with really good whippings for a very long time."

"If they don't snap out of it, we'll be forced to destroy them all. You will be responsible for their deaths, young monster lady." Bomb replied.

"Hmph! As if I care."

Fubuki grits her teeth in frustration, "Damn it. I'm not going to kill them. I can't have that blood on my hands. No hero in general should gave innocent blood on their hands. It's not what we do."

Bang gazed at Fubuki, "If that is what you wish for Fubuki, then we won't take their lives."

Fubuki look at Silverfang, "Thank you, Bang."

Both of them noticed that the monsterized civilians were getting up, Fubuki gets her guard up for a little bit but what came to a surprise was that they were unaware of what happened to them.

"Wah, where am I?!"

"What are these things? Are they horns?!"

Fubuki could only form a smile realizing that the civilians still had their humanity left, "You're all awake! They almost turned you into monsters. Don't worry, we'll call for help."

Bomb smiles as Bang sighs in relief. Shortly after a few seconds the monsterfication was wearing off as the civilians were returning to normal.

"The monsterization is going away." Bang said out loud as he went to his thoughts, 'Does that mean the trigger was in their hearts after all? It's not conclusive proof but…there's hope after all.'

"Silverfang." Fubuki said, breaking Bang out of his thoughts, I hope we find Garou soon." Bang and Bomb shared a surprised look at Fubuki before she continued.

"...Before he truly becomes a monster inside and out." Fubuki switches her look to a sympathetic expression which made the two martial artists smile.

Bang smiled at the sight of Fubuki seeing her speaking like a true hero, Spider-man had taught her well, truly an amazing man, "Indeed."

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