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The next month was nothing but a whirlwind of events

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The next month was nothing but a whirlwind of events.

For the next two weeks, Jenna served her detention at school and helped her mom around the house with extra chores while she was grounded, which wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Some time during those two weeks, the Hollands held a funeral for Barbara, one that she attended, along with Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Carter, Dana, and Janet (though Jenna was surprised Janet even agreed to come at all, but most likely did for the sake of being at Steve's house the night she disappeared). While it was hard to watch Barbara's parents mourn their daughter, Jenna was glad they got some closure, even if the story that was released explaining a chemical leak caused her death was far from the truth. At least now the Hollands could move on from this and maybe even sell their house like they had planned and get the hell out of Hawkins.

After that, Jenna spent more time at the cabin with Eleven after she and Hopper came to the agreement to let her drive Carter to and from work (Dana started getting a ride from Eddie) now that the cabin was no longer a secret to them. For the most part, they were the only ones there, as Hopper was working a lot more than usual, with Carter seeing Jonathan more often and Dana always hanging out with Eddie whenever she could. Nevertheless, Jenna and Eleven enjoyed sharing a newly formed bond with each other. Jenna was beginning to see Eleven as a little sister, which was nice, considering she was an only child.

The last thing Jenna did was talk to the biological family that Hopper told her about. Through many conversations over the phone, she learned that her dad's older sister, Judith Waters, lived in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband, Travis. She was four years older than her dad and she married Travis a couple of years after high school once she found out she was pregnant with their daughter, Claire, who was currently going to college in Memphis, but often visited them, despite the long drive. After talking to them a lot, Jenna came to the conclusion that they sounded like nice people and they seemed to think the same thing about her as they expressed their interest in meeting Jenna very soon if she chose to stay with them for a while.

By the time December rolled around, Jenna had made up her mind, and it was a decision that she knew would be hard to tell her friends at first. While most of them seemed to take it well, understanding the situation with her powers being more of a risk than anything else, she was still worried about telling one friend in particular: Steve.

They hardly saw each other ever since he came to visit Jenna at the hospital, with him focusing more on basketball and swimming for the time being from what Janet told her. With her knowing what happened between them, she tended to bring it up, reminding Jenna that she was right about them all along.

"Look, just give him some more time," Janet told her one afternoon as they were leaving school for the day. "You know how stubborn he can be."

"So stubborn that he basically ignores me for over a month?" Jenna pointed out. "It's already halfway through December and still nothing from him."

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