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In the weeks following Jenna's birthday party, she hadn't given much thought about what she said in her drunken state

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In the weeks following Jenna's birthday party, she hadn't given much thought about what she said in her drunken state. For the most part, she didn't talk about it much with anyone other than her mom, who found out about her sneaking out and getting drunk, so she grounded Jenna the day after for a couple of weeks. The hangover she had the next morning was bad enough punishment in her opinion.

But after Jenna was no longer grounded, not too far into the month of July, she got a call from Craig one afternoon, telling her that he wanted to give the double date with Steve and Nancy a chance, much to her surprise. Still, she was excited that he actually agreed to it.

Now, a week later, Jenna was sitting on the stool with one knee tucked close to her as she was on the phone with Janet, already starting to regret this idea that she came up with as she waited for Craig to pick her up. At least her mom was at work and not here listening to the conversation.

"I can't believe I even brought it up that night," she told Janet.

"Well, you were pretty drunk at your own birthday party, dudette," Janet pointed out. "At least you didn't take off your bathing suit in front of everyone."

She laughed in response. "God, I would've skipped town. There's no way I could ever come back from something so embarrassing like that."

"And the entire town of Hawkins would remember it, too."

"My point exactly."

"So where are you guys going for this double date?"

"That mini-golf place near the arcade. I think it's called Birdies." The last time Jenna had been there was with her mom a few years ago.

Janet let out a snort. "Did you and Nancy let the boys pick?"

"They insisted on it. You know how competitive those two are in basketball. I guess they wanted to try and outdo each other in a different sport this time."

"Right, because that's going to end well," Janet said sarcastically. Jenna was sure she rolled her eyes, too.

"Tell me something I don't know." Jenna heard a car pull up in the driveway, to which she stood up as fast as she could. "I gotta go. I think Craig's here."

"Call me later and give me all the juicy gossip," she said jokingly.

Jenna chuckled. "Will do. Bye, Janet." With that, she hung up the phone and smoothed out her jeans and white t-shirt. She was tightening up her high ponytail when there was a knock at the door, feeling okay about this double date for now. When she opened the door, Craig had a smile on his face as they locked eyes.

"Hey, you," he greeted her. "Ready to go?"

Jenna raised her eyebrows, grinning. "Someone's eager to get going," she said, reaching over to get her keys on the table before stepping out and closing the door behind her and locking it.

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