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The bus ride on the way back to Indiana was becoming a long one, which didn't help their nerves at all, especially after the run-in with the police at the warehouse

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The bus ride on the way back to Indiana was becoming a long one, which didn't help their nerves at all, especially after the run-in with the police at the warehouse. Jenna could still see Kali's face right before the two ran away from her, and there wasn't a single bone in her body that felt bad for doing so. While she wondered where Kali and the rest of her friends were gonna go next, Jenna just hoped that all of them would realize one day that their way of living was not ideal and it wouldn't last forever. Seeing how they lived made her more grateful for what she had with her mom in Hawkins, and she was sure that Eleven felt the same way.

Jenna and Eleven hadn't said much to each other ever since they left Chicago. There were times where Jenna looked over and her eyes were closed, and when she saw her nose bleeding, Jenna knew she was using her powers to check on Hopper and Mike back in Hawkins.

"How's it going back home?"

Eleven didn't even open her eyes to respond. "Bad," she answered. "Something is wrong with Will."

She raised her eyebrows in concern. "What's wrong with Will?"

Eleven shook her head. "I don't know."

Jenna nodded her head, getting worried. "So where are they now?"

She concentrated some more, taking a deep breath. "The lab. Monsters everywhere."

"Shit," Jenna mumbled, an anxious feeling settling in her stomach. "Well, it won't be long before we get to Bloomington. Then we can drive my car back to Hawkins."

She nodded her head, looking a bit uneasy. "Jenna?"

"Yeah, El?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For everything. Everything with Kali."

Jenna let out a sigh again, leaning in her seat. "I get it, El. I understand why you trusted her, especially after everything you've been through with the lab." She stopped talking for a moment, then kept going. "I know that I didn't spend as much time there as you two did, but you can still talk to me about it."

Eleven nodded her head. "Thank you." Her expression turned slightly nervous. "I'm scared."

Her face fell. "I'm scared, too."


She nodded again. "Of course. But we'll face whatever it is together, okay? I'll be by your side, always."

Without warning, she placed her hand on top of Jenna's. "Together. Always." There was another pause. "Like sisters."

Jenna grinned her way. "Like sisters," she repeated.

They were quiet for a while again, with them looking out the window as other cars drove by, despite it being so late at night. Jenna was starting to grow impatient the longer she sat in her seat. But it left her thinking about her mom and friends back home, and she hated the fact that they were probably worried about where she had been since Saturday. She wondered where they were at right now, hoping that they were okay. Out of everyone that was on her mind, Steve was the one person that she kept coming back to, and it only made her more excited and nervous to see him again, her heart almost stopping when they passed the sign that welcomed them into Indiana.

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