Twin of Destruction

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Salutations, @BootyyyShak3r90O0 ! Thank you for your contribution to the art of science!

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Salutations, @BootyyyShak3r90O0 ! Thank you for your contribution to the art of science!

Our asker said: do you think that Leo would accidentally explode something in your lab? i think it's a possibility that Leo would somehow accidentally cause arson

He's had his destructive moments, he's even destroyed a few inventions of mine, but if he were to ever damage something important enough, I wouldn't hesitate to throw the toaster into his bath. That's why no one's supposed to go into my lab without my permission, though they frequently break that boundary with little to no respect for how dangerous my lab can truly be. Of course, I'll make them realize that by showing them how dangerous I can be. That isn't a threat, in case anyone was wondering, I'll be absolutely demolishing something in front of them as an example, then tell them exactly how they could die by the hands of every single one of my creations, just to scare them into staying away from it. So many of my projects that are in beta don't have proper safety precautions after all, and I don't want to risk them accidentally getting them killed or committing involuntary manslaughter. 

But, to answer your question effectively, I fully believe in his potential to destroy everything in my lab, likely on accident. Sure, he'd feel bad about it and I'd probably forgive him after a while, but it's a possibility. My brothers would commit arson on accident if they were to commit it, while I've committed arson on purpose and hope for another opportunity to do so without anyone finding it unreasonable. I love the sight of some good destruction when I'm feeling down, an explosion or a building on fire always make my day. But not if it's my tech, my babies are out of the question for destruction. 

Signing out,

Donatello Hamato

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