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Salutations, @Dwatk16 ! Thank you for your contribution to the art of science! 

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Salutations, @Dwatk16 ! Thank you for your contribution to the art of science! 

Our asker said: Hey donnie have you ever bite someone your a spiny softshell turtle they do bite

I've done it as long as I can remember, only occasionally though. It was a lot worse when I was little, but I've learned how to control it for the most part. People think it's hilarious that I do it since I'm the only one with that problem in my family, but they don't like being bitten themselves, so I threaten to bite them next time if they don't leave it alone. And no, before anyone asks, I don't bite hard enough to hurt anyone, I put in effort to avoid that. And also no, before someone tries to ask, I don't do it for the flavor or texture or because I'm angry, I do it out of instinct. My most frequent victim is Leonardo since he's the one that likes to make fun of the behavior, while I usually avoid Splinter and Angelo for separate reasons. If I can, I bite an object instead of a person, which is why I have a collection of sterile objects that are clean enough to bite. 

Signing off,

Donatello Hamato

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