"Junghyun and I served our sentence in juvenile detention. Showing them the diary now is pointless."

"Jungkook's right." It was Junghyun's voice that makes you turn, heart beat in your throat. He's staring at the two of you with a sad smile. "I don't think that's a good idea," he says.

"It will necessarily unpack everything again. We were too young when it happened. And all that's left now is a memory. You'll have to forgive us, Y/N."

Jungkook's expression is bemused. He nearly reaches out for the diary in your hand but you take a step back. "No," you say firmly. "This is proof. I won't let you have this."

Jungkook stares hard at you and his brother steps forward, an awkward smile on his face. "Err can we all just sit and talk this out? I can crack open a beer."

You send Junghyun a look that makes him gulp. "The only thing we've cracked open is a murder mystery. So save the sitting and talking when we turn this asshole in to the police."

Junghyun's eyes are slightly wide and you sigh. "How can you live with him knowing what he did?"

He blinks at you, turning to Jungkook before shrugging. "He's not the same, Y/N. We were kids. Babies. He did what he could to survive."

Very suspicious. Both of them are.

"Yes by trying to kill the two of us," you retort aggressively. "He even framed you, for fucks sake. He put a lighter in your pocket!"

Jungkook doesn't say a word.

"How can you be so okay with this? Is he holding you hostage? You can tell me—"

"He's not," Junghyun says, his voice an octave lower. "Y/N, I've known Jungkook long enough to  forgive him."

"I cannot believe you," you say. "We're victims. And he deserves a life sentence not freaking 3 years in juvenile detention."

You turn to Jungkook, gritting your teeth. "Tell me what you did back then was true. Tell me that you did it. That you set that place on fire, knowing my mother was still in there. Tell me it was you who rammed a rock against my head and Junghyun's so that we wouldn't remember what a coward you were."

His eyes were cold and distant. His jaw clenches, and he glances at his brother before turning back to you. "It was me," he says, voice as dark as a grave. "And you can do whatever the hell you want with that piece of information."

You're going to cry.

You nod to yourself. "You know, if you had told me sooner I would have forgiven you. But you kept this away from me knowing I had the right to know."

"Just leave," Jungkook says. "Please."

You scoff. Fucking coward.

Junghyun tenses next to you and you bare your teeth. Just leaving his house was not enough. 

And before you know it, you're already charging towards Jungkook, raising your hand in the air before slapping him hard across the cheek.

He turns to the side, then looks at you with his cheek bright pink. "You're going to regret that," he grits out, face emotionless. 

Grunting, you grab him by the collar, yanking his face to your eye level. "If there's one thing I regret it would be the moment I lowered my standards for you."

Jungkook's eyes glower a different shade of black but his expression remains stoic, but you caught a flicker of hurt in his eyes. You grit you teeth, feeling the anger roil in your throat.

And how in that moment, you wanted to take back everything you let him do to you last night.

Turning away from him, you walk past Junghyun, catching the faintest of a smirk on his lips. But when you turn to look at him, it's gone.

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