Jimin - ohh s-sorry sorry

Jungkook - don't you know how to knock?!

He yelled turning his face a little to the side still hiding me with his body... I could feel his whole body vibrating against me.

Jimin - i-i'm sorry

He quickly dashed out of the room closing the door behind him.
I feel like running away from here... Jimin almost saw me this way if not for jungkook it would have been even more embarrassing.

For the sake of the sanity left in me I pushed away jungkook quickly getting my shirt and wearing it..

Jungkook - you did not just pushed me?

He asked in his usual cold tone... He's back being the iceberg I came in front of the mirror to set my hairs. He came right after me turning me back to him. He's angry? I just pushed him back, what's the deal?

Jungkook - answer me Mrs. Jeon, you are not supposed to look the way you showed up just now and then turn your back on me

He asked me in a much calmer tone..

Y/n - w-what? No!

Jungkook- then?

Y/n - i-i.. My shirt fell in the bathroom and is damp now.. I thought you were sleeping

Jungkook- hnm?

Y/n - yeah

Jungkook- fine then can i continue now?

Y/n - w-what?n-no!

Jungkook- and why not?

He's cold again... He's sulky today or maybe it's just that Jimin ruined his morning that he was planing...

I let out a small giggle on my own thoughts.

Jungkook - the hell!

I shut myself up completely, knowing how pissed off he is right now... For my luck his phone rang and he reached for it with me still in his arms...
It's from his office I guess. He talked to whoever while looking directly in my eyes...

Jungkook - okay set it at 4 in the evening.

He cut the call and left me, going straight to the bathroom.. What's with him today?
I went out of the room.

After an hour

All of us had are breakfast together, yoongi and his wife left in the early morning... Guess they are trying to sort their unevens, Guk's still tetchy... He looks cute though but scary as well

Right now we are going back to our home and he's just driving in his usual cold mode..

Y/n - did something happe-

Jungkook - nothing!

Y/n - but you are-

Jungkook- nothing I said, I have some work in the office so I have to go to the office in 2 or 3 hours.

Y/n - o-okay

I stayed silent after that and so did he

Time skip~~

We reached home at around 12 in the noon. I silently went inside the House with him following behind me.
I took the clothes for laundry and put them in.

After that I went in the kitchen to prepare fruit salad for guk and I. Rim told me he likes fruit salad after breakfast so I prepared it for him.
Thr maids will come later in the evening since we were not home in the morning.

Y/n - Guk!

I called him out from the living room placing the plate on the center table . I went to switch the tv on calling him again.

Y/n - Gu-

I turned around after turning the tv on just to find him right behind me. I placed my hands on my chest in shock... How does he come behind me so fast?

Y/n - I prepared fruit salad

Jungkook - I don't want it-

Y/n - the hell! Eat it right now I said.

I took his hand made him sit on the sofa placing the plate in his lap picking the fruits and putting them in his mouth one by one... Feeding him and he ate it with an innocent face making me question his mood again

Jungkook - you eat as well

He said feeding me back... After eating I went upstairs to check the clothes and he went in his study

After an hour

He's still in his study... I should ask him if he needs something. I went inside

Y/n - you need something guk?

Jungkook - no, I'm leaving in a few minutes, will be back by 6

He stood up going to our room. He's still cold

He came down after wearing his formal attire.. Going directly to the gates and i accompanied him along to wish him bye.
He almost reached the door when he turned back around, taking heavy steps towards me..

Jungkook - you know what? I hate this that i love you so much that i can't even stay angry at you for a few hours.

With that being said he pecked my lips and went out of the House.

W-what? What did he say? Do i hear it correctly?


Hope you liked it please wait for the next part.

MY COLD CEO HUSBAND  [SLOW UPDATES]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz