"b-because I have the past few weeks" I mumbled, eyes glued to my intertwining fingers.

"past what?" he asked, voice picking up.

"few weeks" I said a bit louder, scared he's going to shout at me.

"so what are you saying? that i'm incapable of picking up my own son from daycare?" he spits venomously. "that I can't look after my own child and that you have to do it for me?"

I forced myself to bring my head up and look him in the eyes. They were glowing with anger.

"n-no of course not dad i'm sorry, it was stupid of me to think that" I mumble the last part, voice and eye contact faltering slightly.

My dad clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes.

"i'm starting to get really sick of your attitude recently. Always thinking you're above me. Thinking you can look after Haru better than I can" he says, walking towards the suitcases.

"n-no that's not what i-i think at all" I try, voice just above a whisper. My dad has gotten so cruel these last few weeks.

"we're leaving for awhile" he states, picking up one of the suitcases in his free hand. Haru's still eating his biscuits, unaware of tense atmosphere.

"where are we going?" I ask, trying to keep my bottom lip from quivering.

"no not you. Haru and myself" he states, as if it's the most obvious thing. "here hold your brother"

I take Haru from my fathers arms and watch as he goes outside and starts to load up the car.

"wait what? w-where are you guys going?" I'm confused and starting to feel overwhelmed. Are they leaving me?

"just away. For awhile. Not sure when we will be back" his voice is blunt and monotone. He walks past me to get the other luggage like i'm not even here.

"w-why can't I go with you guys? how long are you g-going for?" My eyes start to water and I hold Haru a bit tighter. Not wanting to be left alone. My breath hitches when my dad tries to take my brother from my hold.

"dad?" I question when he doesn't answer me.

"give me Haru Taehyung" he demands, and I cower as I reluctantly let him go.

"I said I don't know. And you can't come with us. End of."

I'm lost for words as dad straps Haru into his baby seat in the car.

"i-i um"

My struggle for words are unheard by my father as he gets into the drivers seat and reverses down the drive, before driving off without a second look at me. Or even a goodbye.

I'm left in the driveway, confused and shocked. Tears fall down my cheeks and I was struggling to comprehend what has just even happened. Have they just left me?

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to go back in the house. Without thinking properly, I shut the front door and just begin walking. Not wanting to face that i'll be in that home alone, for god knows how long.

little bundle of joy | taekook Where stories live. Discover now