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“Any ides what this is about?” Tae mentions as soon as he’s in the door and spots Namjoon taking his coat off as well, assumingly arriving just before he did.

“No clue. I had to end an important session early today because they said it was urgent.” Namjoon sighs and walks to the living room where Jin is already sitting with Hoseok.

The remaining 4 members are gathered in the living room when Yoongi  Jimin and Jungkook finally arrive at the dorm, their cheeks pink from the cold in the late autumn weather.

“what’s this about?” Jin says first, too impatient to wait any longer.

“let them gather their thoughts hyung, I’m sure whatever it is means a lot to them for them to mark it urgent.” Hoseok reminds Jin, putting on his best shocked face because he has a hunch he knows exactly what this is about.

“Hey guys thanks for meeting us. I’m sorry to worry you with the urgent text but we don’t want to wait any longer to tell you guys.” Yoongi starts, looking over at Jungkook to make sure he’s ready.

“I think we should let Kookie start.” Jimin says softly, looking at the maknae with such fondness, Hoseok isn’t sure how the other members never saw it themselves.

Jungkook’s doe eyes grow impossibly wide the moment Jimin’s words register and he looks to each of them before nodding a few times. He seems weary but sure of himself. Hoseok has to fight the urge to rush up and hug away his insecurities.

Jungkook takes a visible deep breath which has everyone antsy in wanting to comfort their maknae, but the determined look in his eyes when he looks up has everyone staying put.

“It’s no secret that I have always struggled with my image. Lately it has been getting worse and worse and it almost destroyed my career, my relationships with you all and my life. Thanks to a good friend,” Jungkook meets Hoseok’s eyes and he already wants to cry. “he helped me see that if I didn’t get my act together I could lose a lot of important things so I’m here today to open up and tell you guys about those important things.”

Jungkook looks down when he feels Yoongi and Jimin take one hand and squeeze it affectionately. Jungkook offers them a smile so fond Hoseok almost feels guilty witnessing it.

“I decided I am going to ask the company about therapy and if our company has one they can recommend who is discreet, to help me work on my bad self image.”

“that’s great, Jungkook-ah! There is nothing wrong with needing help. In fact I think you are very brave for admitting it and seeking the help you need.” Namjoon says with a dimpled smile, one that always makes Jungkook feel better.

“thanks, hyung. That isn’t all i- no we came to tell you.” Jungkook looks at the two of his boyfriends, waiting for them to squeeze his hands again before he turns back to their friends, their family. “we’re dating. The three of us.”

Hoseok tries his best to keep up his shocked façade but there’s a reason he was never an actor.

“You knew?” Jin takes one look at Hobi’s failed attempt at surprise and sees right through him.

“Hyung how could you not tell us you knew what was up?” Tae pouts at Hobi and Hobi feels guilty.

“This isn’t about me! They needed help before the three idiots destroyed themselves and this group in their stupidity.” Hoseok looks at the three on question, noticing the subtle touches a lot more than before. “I love the three of you dearly, but it’s about time.”

“Have you thought this through?” Namjoon responds, shocking everyone into staring at their leader. “I’m sorry but I also need to think about this from a leader’s perspective. Personally I am happy for the three of you but I have to also address the impact it will have on this group.”

Yoongi nods, staring his longest best friend right in the eyes.

“I’ve never been more sure of anyone in my life. I belong with both of them, Joonie.”

Namjoon seems to take a few minutes to consider all options of how this could hurt them but must come short because he stands up first and embraces each of them in an awkward hug.

“Whatever challenges this brings us, we will face them together. I’m just glad to see you happy.” He pulls away to look down at Jungkook especially. “you are happy, right?”

Jungkook’s nod has never been quicker which makes everyone laugh their way into a group hug, one that Yoongi doesn’t protest.

“are you going public?” Tae asks after the hug finishes, his curiosity getting the better of him.

“If we can avoid it, we would like to stay private. First, we suppose telling PD-Nim will be the best option. For now, we are gonna enjoy what time in peace we have.” Jimin murmurs, stroking Jungkook’s back now that he can.

“I’m proud of you, kid.” Hoseok murmurs to Jungkook so only the two of them can hear.

“thanks hyung. I mean it.” Jungkook shyly smiles, feeling very warm and cared for in the center of this group hug.

He wonders why he was ever afraid to tell them about their relationship.



“happy one month, boyfriend.” Jungkook hears mumbled into his back so he puts down his milk and turns around and is met with an armful of Jimin.

“has it been a month already?” Yoongi murmurs next, coming into the apartment sleepily. They had a long day as usual. In fact they have been busy most of their first month together.

“What do you guys want to do to celebrate?” Jimin sounds excited to do something. Jimin always has the most energy between the three of them, though.

Jungkook doesn’t answer him though, lost in his head as he tries to remember what his therapist said about communicating your wants and needs and not feeling like a burden.

He can do this. They love him and have been so patient with his journey to overcome his self hatred. He can do this.

“um, actually..” Jungkook bites his lower lip, trying his best to push those thoughts berating his brain the more he tries to find the words.

“What is it, Kook-ah?” He feels Yoongi’s palm on his cheek, drawing him back to the present. Their subtle touch grounds him in his decision. He wants this.

“I want to try something and I’m really scared but I think I’m ready for the two of you to see me.” Jungkook takes a shuddering breath once those words leave his lips, his stomach muscles tightening up in anxiety.

Yoongi’s hand pauses on it’s way to his hair and he looks at the younger quizzically.

“Are you certain? Kook-ah, we are okay waiting. There’s no pressure.”

Yoongi’s words makes Jungkook fall in love with him all over again. The two of them have been so accommodating to his insecurity and he loves them so much. So much.

“I am. I’m ready for you both to see.. to see a little more of me.” Jungkook is nervous, of course he is but he wants them to see him. Jimin’s lack of a response or movement us worrying however. “u-unless you guys don’t want to see me..”

Yoongi elbows Jimin to startle him out of wherever his mind just was and Jimin rushes to comfort Jungkook.

“no! No of course we want to! I’m just- really? You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to see your thighs.”

Jungkook blushes.

“I’ve worn shorts before, hyung.” Jungkook mumbles shyly, not meeting their eyes.

“Yeah, long shorts. I have never seen you willingly without pants on. Not to mention possibly touching them? Oh god, am I dreaming? Yoongi am I dreaming?”

Yoongi rolls his eyes at Jimin’s dramatics before smiling despite himself.

“No, this is real. Need me to pinch you?” Yoongi reaches for Jimin’s side but Jimin yelps prematurely and jumps away before he can reach.

Jungkook watches the two of them bicker with nothing but love in his heart for them. He loves these two men more than he ever thought possible.

He doesn’t interrupt their little pinch fight, instead he lets them continue while slowly backing up toward the bedroom.

Just do it, Kook. You got this. They’ve seen your chest before. It’s gonna be okay. He mentally prepares himself while gripping the hem of his shirt and lifting it over his head.

The shirt barely hits the floor when he can practically feel their eyes on him.

The way the two of them paused mid reach to pinch the other would be comical if Jungkook wasn’t nervous as hell.

The shirt falls with a rather large plop in the otherwise silent room, making Jungkook swallow thickly. He meets each of their eyes before walking to his room. He takes a deep breath and waits for a couple of seconds for them to follow.

Yoongi bursts through the room first, his eyes comically wide as he struggles to not look down at his chest.

“you can look hyungs. I promise, it’s okay.”  Jungkook barely manages a whisper but they catch it anyways.

Jungkook struggles to not cover his chest with his arms, to hide away his body. What helps him stay calm, is the overwhelmed look in both of his hyungs eyes as they let their eyes roam across his chest, tones stomach and even his upper arms.

“Can I touch?” Jimin asks hesitantly, hand already reaching out to his bicep. Jungkook nods slowly and takes a reassuring breath when Jimin’s fingertips brush across the bulge of his muscle.

Jungkook’s eyes remain on Yoongi, however. Yoongi’s hands have been the source of Jungkook’s very fantasies for so long and now they are going to be on his skin, much like he’s always wanted.

The second Yoongi’s fingers come in contact with the skin of his arm, Jungkook can feel his entire body flush in warmth.

Jungkook feels almost entranced, watching the two of them brush their fingers across his skin so gentle and light as if he was a piece of art work they don’t want to mess up. The love he sees in their eyes as they explore, makes Jungkook feel wanted; loved; pretty even.

Jungkook shuffles backwards until he’s laid out on the bed and the two follow him like magnets, one on each side of him.

“Beautiful.” Yoongi whispers. Jungkook looks at him in surprise but Yoongi isn’t even looking at him, he’s watching his own fingers trace the expanses of his skin, dipping to his sides and then daring to feel the dips in his abs. “So beautiful baby.”

Jungkook isn’t sure why hearing that makes his eyes water, vision taken over by the sudden rush of tears.

“what’s wrong? Is this too much?” Jimin removes his hands, first to notice the tears pooling in his lashes. Yoongi’s eyes dart up to the younger’s.

“it’s a lot but-but it isn’t that.. i- I’m being really stupid.” Jungkook wipes away the years before they fall and smiles weakly at Yoongi. “nobody’s ever called me beautiful before. Not like this.”

Yoongi exhales in relief before he smiles widely at Jungkook, his fingertips continuing there dance along his stomach. The feeling tickles as much as it does feel good, his body unsure whether to laugh or whine for more.

Jungkook doesn’t even have time to worry about his insecurities when he feels Jimin’s lips brushing across his fingertips. Jungkook’s eyes widen and he stares at Jimin who merely smiles and continues to place these pillow soft kisses up his entire arm.

It's something so small but makes Jungkook feel truly beautiful.

“Whenever you want us to stop, just tell us and we will. We will go at your pace Jungkook-ah.” Yoongi rasps, sounding entirely too fucked out for how little they’ve done.

Jungkook nods, still unsure himself how far he even planned on this going, however his eyes remain glued to Jimin kissing up and down his arm.

Maybe that’s why he doesn’t see or expect setting to brush across his sensitive nipple. The sensation feels so impossibly good. His back arches of the bed and the most lewd moan Jungkook has ever heard spills from his lips.

“Oh listen to him, hyung. He really liked his nipple played with.” Jimin smirks and crawls up the bed further just to be able to reach his other nipple. As if in sync, the two of them brush across his hardening nipples at the same time and the pleasure the action causes shoots up his spine so quickly, he can’t do more than pant. He’s always been sensitive there, often times he would rub them himself until he became a needy mess all those nights spent alone with just his imagination.

Jungkook wonders why Yoongi isn’t saying anything in return, so he tilts his head to look and finds the elder already looking at him- no, watching his face.

Without word, Yoongi brushes across his nipple again, now fully hard, but he doesn’t stop at one brush. Yoongi begins to rub tight circles around the aching bud until Jungkook caves and moans again, more breathless than the first.

“like I said,” Yoongi’s deep voice combined with the pressure on his nipples makes Jungkook’s toes curl and he fears he may actually get hard. He didn’t think this far ahead. “So beautiful.”

“Hyung, please.” Jungkook begs. For what, he isn’t sure of either. The next thing he knows is the feeling of wet plush lips on his nipple and he loses it. He can feel his cock hardening in his sleep pants.

Jungkook’s back arches in a perfect curve which pushes his chest into Jimin’s face more but that doesn’t deter the other, instead he attaches his lips and begins to suck.

“F-fuck- please.” Jungkook moans around his beg. How can he not when it feels like every pull of Jimin’s lips on his nipple sends pleasurable shock waves directly to his now more than half hard erection?

“You beg so beautifully, Kook-ah.” Yoongi murmurs beside him and when Jungkook tears his eyes from Jimin’s to look at him, Yoongi’s gaze isn’t directed on his face anymore. In fact Jungkook knows just what he is looking at and it had him whining in mortification and desire both.

Is he ready for them to see him completely nude? He supposes that was his goal in showing them his body but now that it’s happening he isn’t sure what to do.

Yoongi senses the tension rising in the younger and flits his eyes to meet his.

“is this okay, Kook-ah?” Yoongi needs to know Jungkook is okay with this because Yoongi will be damned if his reactions aren’t making his own cock strain in his pants.

“Yes. Yes please. I need.. I need more.” Jungkook’s face flushes with the admission but he’s past feeling shame right now.  His boyfriends love him, love him as he is. He can trust them with seeing his body. After all, they just want him to feel good, right?

“need more, how? We don’t want to pressure you into more. Whatever you want baby.” Jimin says after releasing his now red nipple.

“I-i..” Jungkook starts but takes a steadying breath and struggles to sit up so he can see them better. “I’m scared but you two just want me to feel good.. I want to feel good.. you lo-love me, no matter what, right?”

“no matter what.” Yoongi doesn’t hesitate to reply, his hand cupping Jungkook’s cheek to brush his thumb across the apple of his cheek affectionately and Jungkook melts.

Looking into the eyes of his two boyfriends, he doesn’t understand how he ever doubted these two.

“W-wait! Who bottoms?” Jungkook blurts out before whining in embarrassment. He hears two sets of coo’s before Jimin starts to laugh.

“We switch. The relationship is equal so usually me and Yoongi switch whenever the mood hits. With you, we will take our time. There’s no rush to do either one baby.” Jimin couldn’t be any fonder of the younger and my oh my, how could he have gotten lucky?

He supposes he has Hoseok to thank.

Jungkook knows his insecurity won’t go away overnight but with therapy and his two boyfriends beside him, he knows they can do anything, together.

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