Nothing Is Ever That Easy

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Hoseok notices the three of them lagging behind as they walk the short trek to the restaurant. Since they had adrenaline to burn and it was only a block away, they decided to bundle up and walk there.

"hey guys, wait up." He says, glancing behind them when the three have stopped, hushed voices carrying with the wind.

The remaining three in front stop and turn, their heads tilting in question.

"what is it hyung?" Tae says, glancing at his friends huddled together. His eyes burn with questions Hoseok doesn't have answers for, so he ignores them.

"Hey, hyung?" Hoseok says to Yoongi, who jerks his head up to look at who addressed him.
Jungkook and Jimin turn their heads as well, their cheeks pink.

"why don't you three head out? I'll cover the bill." His smile is warm when he regards the three, finally happy they seem in slightly better places.

"what? No. Hoba it's-"

"Thank you, hyung." Jungkook interrupts, his smile as shy as it is pleased. That alone is enough to make Hoseok happy that he is at least in a better place.

"But-" Jin starts, only Tae loops his arm with Jin's to pull him along, leaving Namjoon to stare in confusion before following at a much slower pace.

"Fix this." Is all Hoseok says before walking quickly to catch up.

Jimin waves down a cab and the three of them pile into it before giving general directions to a restaurant near Yoongi's apartment. Yoongi having called ahead while riding there to have food ready to be brought home so they can eat and finish their talk in peace.

With the food secured, the three of them head into Yoongi's apartment complex and into the apartment. The adrenaline still pumping through their veins has all of them on edge as they sit down to eat.

Nobody says a word while they eat, but then again, Jungkook is too focused on the way Jimin's plump lips wiggle as he chews and it is distracting.

Focus, Jungkook. He scolds himself, tearing his eyes from Jimin to focus on his noodles.

"Kook-ah?" Yoongi mumbles, startling Jungkook enough to make him jump. His eyes dart up to Yoongi with a flush to his cheeks at being caught staring. "I asked if you wanted more meat? I can rewarm it up so it isn't so cold."

"No, I'm okay. Thank you, hyung." Jungkook is honestly just anxious to begin their talk, which he says as much out loud.

Yoongi puts his chopsticks down, followed by Jimin before they look at him expectantly.

"of course, we can talk about whatever you want. Is there something on your mind?" Jimin's eyes bore into Jungkook's and as nervous as he is, he finds it relaxing him all at the same time.

"well, you said we could be more equal, the three of us, correct?" Yoongi nods his affirmation so Jungkook continues. "how is this going to work, exactly? What if someone feels left out when the other two hang out more?"

"Well, if two people are together and actively ignoring the third then I'd say everyone failed at what we originally wanted. There will be days where I may be busy so you and Jimin will be on your own or vice versa. Someone might have a business trip for the group or something but that doesn't mean we aren't still equal. We all want to be included as one third of this relationship so as long as we communicate first and foremost we should be okay."

Jungkook nods, worrying his bottom lip as he struggles to hold back what he wants to say.

"what about the two of you? You were already a thing before me." He blurts out shame coloring his cheeks as his eyes suddenly find the flooring interesting.

"we were, yes." Jimin answers, his voice so soft Jungkook almost looks up at him. Almost. "as of today, it isn't me and hyung anymore. It's the three of us. We are now Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi. Nothing has to be different at all, we are starting over with you. You aren't a plus one or a side piece. You are part of this relationship, ggukie."

Jungkook takes his time processing the words spoken just now and how he feels about it all. How does he feel if his hyungs were together without him?

"No matter what happens or where I'm sleeping, whether it's with one, both or neither of you.. Kook-ah, that doesn't change my feelings for you. I still love you." Yoongi breaks through his thoughts, seeing Jungkook retreat inside himself.

"Me as well. Sometimes I slept with TaeTae in my bed and Hyung never doubted my feelings or trust one bit. That doesn't have to change." Jimin says softly, cooing near the end. Jungkook doesn't have time to ask him why he's making those noises because he suddenly has a lap full of Jimin. He feels Jimin's soft tender hands wiping his cheeks and he realizes in that moment he was crying. "please don't cry, we will work it out I promise. I know you are scared."

"it isn't that, hyung. I swear it." Jungkook sniffles, feeling stupid for even crying when nothing is actually wrong.

"what's wrong my baby?" Jimin coo's, wiping at fresh tears with his thumbs while the rest of his hands cradle Jungkook's cheeks, smooshing them together a little bit.

"I'm just.. emotional. I spent years pining and not sure how to deal with my feelings for the both of you despite there being so many options where I could have been selfish but it hurt to think about only having one of you and not the other and-and now I get to have you both? No more pining, no more long nights wondering if you even cared about me in the same way, craving you both in my bed to hold me while I slept. I get to have you both? Really truly?"

"Really truly." Yoongi answers, his voice much closer than Jungkook anticipated, however, he can't mind much when he feels Yoongi drape himself across his back so he is quite literally in a YoonMin sandwich.

"you can have us any way you'd like." Jimin says suggestively, flashing Jungkook with his signature bedroom eyes.

Jungkook doesn't know where to look or touch. His hands skim Jimin's sides, up to his shoulders, then settling on his tiny waist. His eyes aren't much better. Stuck in an endless cycle of looking at Jimin's eyes to his lips to Yoongi's eyes over his shoulder back to Jimin's lips.

"Min-ah. Don't overwhelm him. You know he hasn't done anything remotely close." Yoongi gently scolds but Jungkook feels offended.

"Yah! I've done stuff. I always kept it above the waist because I didn't want anyone to see or touch me down there, but I've done plenty." Jungkook sniffs, looking very much like a kicked puppy.

"Oh really?" Yoongi baits, waiting for Jungkook to get so riled up as he normally does that he starts to stutter a bit in his hurry to speak as quickly as possible, his neck turning a pretty shade of pink. "so you've done things like be kissed... here?"

To accentuate his words, he leans down and barely brushes his lips against Jungkook's neck, feeling his pulse hammering away under his lips. Being so close to his throat he can see the moment Jungkook swallows; his adam's apple bobbing with the effort.

"Y-yeah, of-of course." Jungkook's stuttering gets worse when Jimin copies Yoongi's movements on his other side.

Jungkook can handle this much, no problem. It isn't until he feels hands skimming under the hem of his shirt, sweeping up as if attempting to lift his shirt that he abruptly slides back, shoving the two of them off of him with a yelp of surprise coming from Jimin.

"what is it? Did we do something wrong?" Yoongi is quick to assess and sees Jungkook's wild panicked eyes and feels guilty for pushing things so soon. "I'm sorry, Kook-ah. Hyung shouldn't have pushed-"

"N-no! It isn't you guys I just.. someone was going to lift my shirt and I couldn't.. you can't-" Jungkook makes a noise of frustration as words fail him. How does he open up about his self esteem? About how it takes hours of self talk just to get him to show his skin in front of army? Will they still love him when they find out he's broken?

"Hey.. take your time. I'm sorry for upsetting you." Jimin murmurs, crawling forward with guilty eyes and Jungkook hates it.

"No! It wasn't either of you, hyungs. I just.." He makes a sweeping gesture at his body, biting his lip when they still don't get it. "I'm really self conscious about my body and I was afraid of the speed at which you guys wanted to undress me."

Jimin stares at him for a beat or two, puzzled as to how someone with a body like his, can be ashamed of it in any form.

"that's okay, we are sorry for going so fast. We will go your speed, Kook-ah." Yoongi crawls over on his knees until he's closer so he can comfort, reassure.

"your body is insane, Ggukie. Like wet dream material. We can go at your speed, no problem but let me just literate." Jimin's eyes sweep down his body appreciatively which makes Jungkook flush in a mixture of emotions. "You are gorgeous."

"what he means, Kook-ah," Yoongi glares at Jimin's choices of words, even if they are true. " we think you are attractive whether you have muscles or not. We love you, not your body. Whenever you feel comfortable sharing it with us, we will only love you even more."

Jungkook feels reassured however guilty. Before he came in the picture, they were regularly having sex and now here he comes with his baggage and can't perform the one thing he should be good at. He's thought of the two of them like that for ages, yet why is he freezing up when the time comes to show them his body?

"Penny for your thoughts." Jimin whispers quietly, having settled to snuggling into his side as best as he can while Jungkook has his internal battle.

"I just- I think about you two all the time, especially like that. So why am I panicking now that the time comes? Why can't I just be confident?"

"Confidence isn't easy no matter who you are, Kook-ah. Having a certain body type or level of fame or any of the bullshit things means that suddenly you have no problems. You are still human. We are human." Yoongi rises to his feet and holds his hands out to his boyfriends. Jimin grabs his hand and accepts the help up and the two of them pull Jungkook to his feet as well, with effort. "Come, let's go snuggle in my bed and watch a movie."

"Can I pick?" Jungkook shyly asks, earning him a couple of coos. He thinks he can get used to being their baby. Only their baby.

"Of course you can." Yoongi smiles and takes the lead, opening his bedroom door and flicking on the light. Jimin gets the TV set up and helps Jungkook find the movie page.

Halfway through the first movie, Jungkook relaxes more. He isn't sure if it's the movie or the fact both boyfriends are cuddled on either side on him, Yoongi curled in a little ball against his chest while Jimin stretches out to tangle their legs together.

He's so content being their pillow, he doesn't even notice his eyelids drooping until he feels lips against his cheek. He opens his eyes with a noise of sleepy confusion. Did he fall asleep? His eyes were only heavy a moment ago.

"Sleepy Bun?" Yoongi murmurs and oh. Jungkook melts at the pet name, sinking into the mattress even more. He nods sleepily, earning another coo from someone. Next blink and he's being tucked into the bed by Jimin while Yoongi helps out by clicking off the TV and then the light.

"Let's sleep. We had a rough day today. Tomorrow we can hang out again." Yoongi murmurs but Jungkook panics. They aren't leaving are they?

Jungkook's eyes plead with Yoongi's silently.

"You both are staying, right? I want you both to stay. It was comfortable having you both so close." Jungkook mumbles and Jimin sags in relief. They would have slept in Yoongi's spare room to save Jungkook's anxiety but truthfully they both wanted to sleep next to him.

"This will be new." Jimin smiles, taking his shirt off and sliding under the sheets before cuddling against Jungkook. At Jungkook's soft noise, Jimin elaborates. "Yoongi likes to be the little spoon, so I get to have two little spoons tonight."


Jungkook never thought about sleeping positions but sandwiched between both of them sounds.. interesting.

Once Yoongi convinces Jungkook and Jimin to brush their teeth before getting back into bed, they align into the sleeping positions and Jungkook has never been more content; more happy.

He's surrounded by the two of them everywhere, skin to skin- wait.

Jungkook jolts upright, removing his arm from Yoongi's waist, who protests with a whine.

"Jimin, where's your shirt?" Jungkook swallows dryly, not looking behind him when Jimin sits up. He's seen it before but this is different; more intimate.

"On the floor. You know I sleep shirtless." Jimin lulls Jungkook back down in bed and he goes willingly, only because he is tired, so he lets it go.

Just as he is falling asleep, he swears he feels Yoongi scooting back to snuggle him closer so his back is pressed to Jungkook's front.

That sounds like a problem for future me. His last thought before falling asleep.

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