Hard Talks

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Jimin knows that something happened that day. He chose to stay out of it because it wasn't his business but Yoongi looks at Jungkook with a look of hurt and longing and Jungkook.. well he avoids Yoongi all together off camera.

It started about 2 months ago but everyone has been so busy they left the two of them to figure it out. Only, Jimin being Jimin... he can't let it go. Not when his hyung is hurting and not when he knows he can fix it.

Should I say something? Maybe ask one of them privately? He muses to himself, unaware of the figure standing beside him now.


Jimin snaps out of his musings and realizes he's being talked to. He blinks a few times and sees Yoongi standing in the entryway for the living room.

"Sorry hyung. What were you saying?"

Yoongi tilts his head in concern, in a way Jimin finds so cute.

"have you eaten? I was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch with me. Hyung pays."

Jimin swallows before nodding.

"I haven't. I'd love to. Let me at least drive." Jimin pouts when Yoongi snatches the keys and slides his feet into his sneakers before he's properly off the couch.

"hyung has it."

They end up going to a Korean bbq place nearby, crowded enough to be private but not too crowded to be bothersome.

It's a place they frequent enough because of it's discretion but they still wear hats and masks anyways.

Jimin helps by putting the vegetables into the hotpot to boil since Yoongi insisted on grilling the meat. When a few pieces get finished, Yoongi gives all of them to Jimin first without a word.

"hyung.. I know you are this kind usually but why are you spoiling me this much today? Is everything okay?"

Build up to asking him, if he insists everything is fine, then I won't push.

Yoongi pauses mid reach, realizing he was about to put another piece on Jimin's plate.

"you've been quieter than usual lately and I wanted to treat you and let you know if there's something you need to get off your chest.. hyung is here to listen."

Jimin nods, finding his way to getting his hyung to talk.

"hyung?" Jimin says quietly, waiting for Yoongi to finish chewing the piece of meat he pulled his mask down for.

"hm?" he hums, cutting up another piece to put on the grill.

"is everything okay? With you and Jungkookie.." Yoongi freezes, making Jimin nervously word vomit. "I just notice things seem tense and if there's anything I can do to help or if you want to talk about anything I want you to know that I'm here for you too, hyung. We're in this together. I know we aren't official or anything but i-I don't know! I just want you to know I'm here."

Yoongi sighs and looks around the semi crowded place, shaking his head as if to say later, not here.

Jimin nods in understanding and doesn't push him to talk about it yet, respecting that if it was important, Yoongi will tell him.



"before I sleep over tonight, Yoongi. We need to talk about Jungkookie. What happened?"

Yoongi's eyes fill with sadness for a second and his face falls. He digs around the refrigerator for leftover meat from their date earlier to reheat, just to busy himself and finally come clean without looking Jimin in the eyes.

"I.. I like Jungkook. At least I'm pretty sure I do. Not more than you! Please know I would never cheat on you or give you any reason to doubt me, Minnie baby. I just.. I was coming home from the studio one night as I always do and saw his light on. So I went to knock to ask if he's alright seeing what time it was. When I knocked, the door was open so I kind of.. saw him. Naked. Very naked. During a personal moment. I tried to talk about it with him because.. Jiminie.. he said "hyung" and I can't.. I can't help but think about which hyung he was picturing you know? I'm so so happy with you.. please know that. I just.. can't stop thinking about him too.. I think I fucked everything up Minnie." Yoongi's voice cracks with the urge to cry being so strong but he holds it back.

Jimin frowns, that sounding too familiar. He recalls being bold during a few public interviews, calling the maknae cute and asking him out in front of the world only for him to laugh at him and tell him his joke was funny when they were done.

Yoongi follows behind Jimin closely with two bowls of leftovers and they shut themselves in Jimin's room. Hoseok is out tonight so they can have it to themselves.

"he's said the same thing to me when I asked him if I had a shot with him and he said he can't." Jimin sighs quietly. "maybe he likes another member? Or someone else?"

"it's a possibility." Yoongi finishes dividing the meat, giving Jimin most, and they start eating in a bit of silence before Yoongi breaks it. "thank you for accepting my heart, Jimin."

Jimin lifts his head to see his hyung flush in a way that makes Jimin want to lean across the bed and kiss him.

"thank you, for accepting me, my flaws and my bruised heart hyung. I'll protect your heart, I promise." Jimin pops the last bit of meat into his mouth, chewing thoroughly before deciding to be honest as well. "I have a confession too, Yoonie."

Yoongi raises an eyebrow and finishes off his drink before giving Jimin his full attention as well.

"I think I also have feelings for Jungkook, too."

Yoongi's eyes have never bulged out more in his life. He is sure of it.

"What does this mean for us?" Yoongi says quietly, his food forgotten now. A sinking feeling builds in his gut, unsure of where he stands with either man now.

"first, we need to figure out what us is hyung." Jimin puts his half eaten food aside and takes Yoongi's hands in his, smiling cutely but shy. "we've said the boyfriend word jokingly a lot and we have been sneaking around for over a year now. We even started being affectionately domestic in front of Tae and Ggukie.. Do you-"

"be my boyfriend. For real this time. Let's make it official. Let's stop dancing around it. Hell, we aren't even trying to be subtle anymore." Yoongi interrupts before Jimin can ask, and he has never been happier.

"yes, hyung. Yes!" Jimin tackles him to the bed with happy tears in his eyes, his heart ache temporarily smoothed over for the time being at finally having a sense of normalcy to his life.

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