Overthinking Begins

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Jimin can't stand it anymore, but he has to, he has to hold back a little longer.

Jimin has a dirty secret. Or should he say two.

He's in love with not one bandmate, but two. One is bad enough and everyone has been excepting of it so far but two of them is asking for trouble. He didn't expect either one but it hit him so hard he's surprised nobody has noticed.

Jimin swallows his saliva, it sliding down his throat thick and slimy. He's not so innocently using the mirror to steal glances at their maknae, who is getting his outfit checked over before going back out to stage.

Jimin has never been... subtle, about his affection towards the group's maknae, but everyone just shrugged it off as Jimin being Jimin.

Jimin wasn't joking.

He sees the way Jungkook looks at him. Always touching him somehow; in neck massages during an interview or picking him up after dance practice to 'prove' he wasn't tired.

Every time they got done filming and Jungkook would be openly affectionate, Jimin would claim first to shower in their dorm so he could relieve the hard-on he usually has to hide after so much of Jungkook all over him.

Every time he was done, Yoongi would meet his eyes in a gaze that is not quite readable before he tears his eyes back away. Later that night when one slips into the other's room, it goes unsaid but they make love and it always feels different after those sort of days.



Things suddenly blow in the open a good 3 months of intense pining and lots of cold showers for all three of them.

They were hard at work, preparing for a song they were releasing as their newest single and then performing it a day later.

The constant practices offered a nice distraction for Yoongi so he was able to shove the lust he feels for Jungkook down. He is, after all, sort of with Jimin.

"you look exhausted lately, hyung. Are you sleeping?" Namjoon passes him a water bottle, which Yoongi takes a small sip of the water before putting it aside.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Yoongi mumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets as he makes his way to the nearest bathroom.

Yoongi is so lost in his head, shaking the thoughts of the sweat dripping down from Jungkook's hair today out of his head so he probably would have heard the small "occupied" he hears from the bathroom. He would probably remember the lock is busted on this particular bathroom. He would probably look away before the familiar figure whips his head around, horrified as the door flys open.

"h-hyung!" the mortified voice says, scrambling to finish using the restroom and making sure when he shakes his soft cock so it doesn't ruin the tight leather pants which are so skin tight to his ass he can see the curve of his ass instead of boxer line.

Jungkook isn't wearing underwear.

He knows they all sometimes do it, as it is just more convenient but in this moment he can see Jungkook's ass clenching as he leans over to shake over the bowl.

He quickly tucks himself back away before rushing over to the sink while Yoongi stares in clear shock, his eyes glued to his ass before he tears his eyes away and stumbles backwards out of the door.

"i-i-i" Yoongi clears his throat from the mild stroke he just had, his cheeks turning a shade of pink that stands out against his pale skin. "i'm so sorry gguk-ah.. I wasn't.. I didn't mean to- I was lost In my head i'm sorry."

"hyung.. it's okay, accidents happen. It isn't like we all haven't seen each other in our trainee days." Jungkook goes to move past him but Yoongi grips his arm softly which only brushes Jungkook's ring clad hand across the front of Yoongi's basketball shorts.

Jungkook's eyes widen a fraction bigger as his cheeks tint with a shade that matches Yoongi's own.

"s-sorry I.. sorry." Yoongi mumbles, letting go of Jungkook's delicate wrist. His skin is so soft today. How would his hand look wrapped around his thick cock? Yoongi shakes his head to get rid of the intruding thoughts and to Yoongi's great surprise, Jungkook doesn't move. He stares at Yoongi with a confused but thoughtful look as if thinking about something utterly confusing.

"hyung.." Jungkook's throat comes out hoarse, deep and broken in what sounds a lot like lust.

"What is it, Jungkook?" Yoongi drawls, his own voice slurring in his already simmering need.

"do you need help?" he keeps his voice barely a murmur, lest anyone hears him. Yoongi's mind shuts down at those words. Certainly he doesn't mean..?

"with what?" Yoongi's voice is a lot more wrecked than he thought because it comes out a croak more than a voice.

"i-i-i-" Jungkook starts but his face turns a shade redder than Yoongi ever thought possible. "th-they're gonna notice that on cameras."

Yoongi blinks at him. Is he really offering to help him with his hard-on? Yoongi must have fallen asleep, that's the only explanation.

"i- what? I must have misheard you. Jungkook-ah you know I'm with Jimin.."

"that's okay.. hyung.. i-" the door knob rattles, clear sign someone is trying to get in.

"Jungkook-ah? Are you okay in there?"

Tae. Of all people. Nothing passes over his eyes, even if he doesn't react.

Yoongi quickly turns on the water, washing his hands while Jungkook tries to be casual about their previous conversation by leaving, his walk a little more strained than Yoongi remembers.



He cannot do this.

He isn't sure how to face Jungkook now, let alone Jimin.

Sure, they are men who grew up as mostly teenagers, so finding a member in a similar situation was not new.

However, Jungkook and his conversation in the bathroom just yesterday morning definitely happened.

Yoongi has tried hard to avoid this ever since he confirmed his sexuality even if he never told anyone he's sure the other members can sort of guess by now but he still doesn't want those kind of thoughts about his best friend to be a thing.

"Morning hyung." A sleepy, lispy voice slurs behind him, making him tense before he has to actively try to calm down.

"Morning, Kook-ah." Yoongi murmurs around his coffee mug, hoping his nervousness isn't obvious. "why are you up early? We don't leave for another 2 hours."

"I couldn't sleep.." he murmurs.

Yoongi can wonder why. In fact he knows. It's hard to sleep when you were interrupted before you could finish, even more so when you were caught doing something you might feel insecure about.

Did he ever finish that night? Perhaps after they got home last night after their conversation? Yoongi ponders to himself but then immediately scolds himself. Stop this! It's not your business.

Yoongi didn't sleep a wink either. He tossed and turned so much that he gave up trying and pulled out his laptop to finish some work.

Every time he closed his eyes all he can picture is Jungkook's soft whines and Jimin's lips around his cock.

The silence drags on so long that Yoongi feels awkward so he makes it worse by ruffling Jungkook's hair, making him giggle in a way that has Yoongi confused.

"i'm gonna take a nap before we leave." Yoongi mumbles, knowing that wouldn't raise suspicion with him at this point and hurries back to his room with his coffee.

Before he makes it to his door, Namjoon comes out of his room, nearly running into Yoongi as he does.

"ah, hyung! Just the person I needed. I want your opinion on something.."

Grateful for the distraction, Yoongi hurries into Namjoon's room and closes the door behind him.

Min Yoongi, you coward. He thinks to himself sullenly.


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