"Help me repot the banana tree, please?" He requested, receiving a firm nod and both retreating into the tent. They passed by the crowding plants, which were growing in numbers and size, becoming slightly too cumbersome for the tent to handle. It resembled a jungle, with leaves poking at you from head to toe as many were hung, others placed on the tables while many rested on the ground.

"Be very careful. I'm hoping the stem isn't too fragile, but if it is, put most of the force on the roots," Jin warned, pointing over to the banana tree, which had grown steadily over time, bigger and bigger until the pot it currently sat in was stunting its growth.

"Sure," Hoseok muttered.

It was a tedious task that took a bit too long for comfort. Once the banana tree was moved to the larger pot, both sighed in relief and stood back to look upon it with pride.

"When are we going to make the greenhouse bigger?" Hoseok inquired, glancing at Jin.

Jin shrugged, "We don't have the resources for that right now. Maybe I could make a request from you guys, soon?" He asked.

"Don't ask me, ask Namjoon."

"He listens to you sometimes," Jin lightly replied. Hoseok gave Jin a skeptical look, as if to ask if he was being serious. Jin slightly frowned, "What?"

"I'm the last person he would take suggestions from," Hoseok dryly chuckled, placing his beanie back on, "I don't make the decisions here."

"Maybe if you had a little more faith in yourself, you'd be taken with more gravitas. As much as his methods are questionable, you don't see Taehyung second-guessing his impact," Jin sternly replied, taking his garden gloves off and wiping his face, "If we all made collective decisions and actually talked to each other, we wouldn't be so distant."

"Seems like your grievances aren't just for me," Hoseok chuckled.

Jin huffed, "They're not..."

Hoseok paused for a moment before shrugging, "I agree with you. We started off so good and things just got worse over time."

"I keep wondering where I went wrong with some of you but I think it was all out of my control from the start," Jin muttered, "And I fear that the things we're fighting off won't be the end of us."

Hoseok softly sniffed, "Mm...debatable. Flesh eating monsters seem a bit more threatening than our strained relationships with each other," Hoseok's smile widened when Jin rolled his eyes, and he let out a genuine laugh. At this, Jin eyed him strangely.

"What has possessed you today? You look calm," Jin commented.

Hoseok rubbed his lips together, humming, "I wish I could say, but even I don't know."

Hoseok stepped halfway out the tent, scanning the grounds of his camp. His brows furrowed by a fraction, eyes still shifting around for a particularly familiar face.

"Where's Mara?"

Hoseok looked back over his shoulder at Jin, who inhaled and absentmindedly waved him off, "Probably sleeping," he muttered.

Hoseok made a face, staring at the side of Jin's face expectantly. The latter made no effort to react, instead fishing for clippers in the pockets of his overalls.

"The day is almost halfway gone and she's still asleep?" He scoffed.

"She's still...Goddamnit...She's still getting accustomed to night watch," Jin explained, picking at weeds and dead leaves, "The poor girl got used to getting full nights of rest."

Hoseok looked down in thought, "What do you mean?"

Jin sighed, "Hoseok, being alone for three years makes a person a hell of a paranoid insomniac. Especially with what she's been through. I don't blame her for sleeping a little too much now that she has the chance."

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